H 245 x W 174 mm
210 pages
106 figures, 2 tables (colour throughout)
Published Oct 2023
Paperback: 9781803275666
Digital: 9781803275673
Roman; Funerary Reliefs; Writing; Writing Materials; Writing Instruments; Tablets; Women; Gender
Related titles
Archaeopress Roman Archaeology 104
Edited by Tibor Grüll
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Ancient funerary reliefs are full of representations of writing materials and instruments, the interpretation of which can help us better understand the phenomenon of ancient literacy. The eight studies in this volume enrich our knowledge of Roman writing with many new aspects and detailed observations.
Foreword – Tibor Grüll
Representations of writing tools and materials on Roman funerary monuments – Tibor Grüll, Nándor Agócs, János Jusztinger, Ernő Szabó
Clio and Calliope: Why Diptych and Scroll? – Elizabeth A. Meyer
Educated by the nine Muses? – Josy Luginbühl
Tablet in Hand. Tabulae as markers of professional and social identity of Roman scribae – Benjamin Hartmann
Representations of writing tools and materials on Phrygian door stelae – Tibor Grüll
Broadening the view on literacy in Palmyra. Ten years after the first attempt – Łukasz Sokołowski
The scroll and codex on funerary steles in the Upper Moesian Limes – Sanja Pilipović
Depictions of bone ‘spatulate’ strips and a few thoughts about their function – Anna Willi
Tibor Grüll is Professor of Ancient History and Doctor of Sciences (D.Sc.), awarded by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. He has taught at the University of Pécs since 1998, where he has led the Department of Ancient History since 2015. He has published 16 books and 250 articles, and has given lectures in venues from Cambridge to Jerusalem over the past three decades.
‘Senza dubbio le riflessioni e le osservazioni contenute nel volume, unite al fondamentale strumento costituito dalla banca dati, risultano di grande stimolo per affrontare ed approfondire un tema che, dati alla mano, come dimostrato in questo lavoro capitolo per capitolo, ha ancora molto da suggerirci e rivelarci sulla società romana. In definitiva, questo libro rappresenta una risorsa preziosa per chiunque desideri affrontare il tema della rappresentazione degli strumenti di scrittura romani sui rilievi epigrafici, offrendo un’analisi dettagliata e rigorosa e gettando nuova luce su un aspetto della cultura materiale romana cruciale e ancora ricco di interrogativi.’ [translated: Without a doubt, the reflections and observations contained in the volume, combined with the fundamental tool constituted by the database, are a great stimulus to address and explore a topic which … still has much to suggest and reveal to us about Roman society. Ultimately, this book represents a valuable resource for anyone wishing to address the topic of the representation of Roman writing instruments on epigraphic reliefs, offering a detailed and rigorous analysis and shedding new light on an aspect of Roman material culture that is crucial and still full of questions.] – Donato Fasolini (2024): Cuadernos de Filología Clásica. Estudios Latinos