Keyword: Writing

Too Much Writing, Too Few Scribes: Extra-Scribal Writing in the Late Bronze Age Mediterranean (1650-1100 BCE)

ed. Cassandra M. Donnelly

‘Extra-scribal’ writing encompasses a myriad of writing practices, from potmarking to graffiti to text erasure, often overlooked by scholars. This volume examines Bronze Age eastern Mediterranean and Aegean writing on atypical media, highlighting interdisciplinary insights from various fields and theoretical models. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00

Revelations in Japanese Archaeology

ed. Barbara Seyock et al.

This volume compiles significant articles from the BSEAA, updated for this volume. It covers the Japanese Paleolithic, protohistoric Yayoi and Kofun periods, and the beginnings of Japanese archaeology, offering new perspectives on cultural transmission, subsistence practices, and centralized societies. READ MORE

Paperback: £55.00

Representations of Writing Materials on Roman Funerary Monuments

ed. Tibor Grüll

Ancient funerary reliefs are full of representations of writing materials and instruments, the interpretation of which can help us better understand the phenomenon of ancient literacy. The eight studies in this volume enrich our knowledge of Roman writing with many new aspects and detailed observations. READ MORE

Paperback: £40.00 | eBook: £16.00

Western Mesoamerican Calendars and Writing Systems

ed. Mikkel Bøg Clemmensen et al.

Mesoamerica is one of the few places to witness the independent invention of writing. Bringing together new research, papers discuss the writing systems of Teotihuacan, Mixteca Baja, the Epiclassic period and Aztec writing of the Postclassic. These writing systems represent more than a millennium of written records and literacy in Mesoamerica. READ MORE

Paperback: £38.00 | Open Access

In Pursuit of Ancient Cyrenaica...

Monika Rekowska et al.

This work examines travellers' accounts of their journeys to Cyrenaica, focusing in the main on an analysis of these accounts within the context of their significance to topographic surveys of the region. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | eBook: £16.00
