H 276 x W 203 mm
554 pages
154 figures, 71 tables (colour throughout)
Published Dec 2022
Archaeopress Access Archaeology
Paperback: 9781803273990
Digital: 9781803274003
Geoarchaeology; Japanese Archaeology; Volcanoes; Tectonic; TephroArchaeology; Archaeological Volcanology; Volcanic Archaeology
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By Gina L. Barnes, Gina L. Barnes
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The effects of tectonic processes on archaeological sites are evidenced by earthquake damage, volcanic eruptions, and tsunami destruction, but these processes also affect a broader sphere of landform structures, environment, and climate. An overview of tectonic archaeology is followed by a detailed summary of geoarchaeological fieldwork in Japan.
Dedication to William R. Farrand ;
Preface ;
Chapter 1: Tectonic Archaeology vs Geoarchaeology ;
Part I: A Geological Introduction to the Japanese Islands ;
Chapter 2: A Primer in Plate Tectonics, with Specific Reference to Japan ;
Chapter 3: The Palaeogeographic Compilation of the Japanese Landmass ;
Chapter 4: Shaping the Japanese Archipelago ;
Chapter 5: Making Japan’s Mountains & Basins ;
Chapter 6: Japan’s Igneous Activity & Volcanic Arcs ;
Chapter 7: Tephra-derived Soils of Japan in comparative context ;
Reflections on Part I ;
Part II: The Tectonic Archaeologies of Japan ;
Chapter 8: TephroArchaeology ;
Chapter 9: Earthquake Archaeology ;
Chapter 10: Tsunami Archaeology ;
Chapter 11: The Inter-relatedness of Tectonics & Hazard Research ;
Chapter 12: True Jades, False Friends ;
Reflections on Part II ;
Part III: Nara Basin Studies ;
Chapter 13: Nara Basin Geology & Geomorphology ;
Chapter 14: Geoarchaeological Studies in Nara, Japan: the Integrated Findings ;
Chapter 15: Acid Soils and Acid Rocks: Misunderstood Implications for Bone Preservation in Japan ;
Reflections on Part III ;
Volume Conclusions ;
Appendices ;
Classified Index ;
Glossary of East Asian Words ;
Glossary & Index of Geological Terms
‘Tectonic Archaeology successfully collates a highly useful body of reference material on the mechanics and broad archaeological implications of the geological processes characterising subduction zones. Whilst focused on Japan, the book has clear comparative value for similar regions across the globe.’ – David K. Kay (2024): Geoscientist