Gina L. Barnes

Professor Emeritus of Japanese Studies, Durham University

ORCID 0000-0001-5736-6837

Gina L. Barnes is Professor Emeritus of Japanese Studies, Durham University; Project Affiliate, Earth Sciences, Durham University; and Professorial Research Associate in the Department of History of Art and Archaeology, SOAS University of London. Her Research interests include archaeology and ancient history of East Asia with a special emphasis on Japan and Korea; state formation in Korea and Japan; ancient Korea-Japan relations; emergence of Yamato kingship; Japanese geology; and tectonic archaeology.


Revelations in Japanese Archaeology

ed. Gina L. Barnes

This volume compiles significant articles from the BSEAA, updated for this volume. It covers the Japanese Paleolithic, protohistoric Yayoi and Kofun periods, and the beginnings of Japanese archaeology, offering new perspectives on cultural transmission, subsistence practices, and centralized societies. READ MORE

Paperback: £55.00

Tectonic Archaeology

Gina L. Barnes

The effects of tectonic processes on archaeological sites are evidenced by earthquake damage, volcanic eruptions, and tsunami destruction, but these processes also affect a broader sphere of landform structures, environment, and climate. An overview of tectonic archaeology is followed by a detailed summary of geoarchaeological fieldwork in Japan. READ MORE

Paperback: £80.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99

Archaeology and History of Toraijin

Gina L. Barnes

In light of the recently uncovered archaeological data and ancient historical records, this book offers an overview of the 14 centuries-long Toraijin story, from c. 800~600 BC to AD 600, exploring the fundamental role these immigrants, mainly from the Korean Peninsula, played in the history of the Japanese archipelago during this formative period. READ MORE

Paperback: £38.00 | Open Access

TephroArchaeology in the North Pacific

ed. Gina L. Barnes

‘TephroArchaeology’ (from the Japanese, kazanbai kōkogaku – lit. volcanic ash archaeology), refers to a sub-discipline of archaeology developed in Japan in the last few decades. This book brings into the English-speaking world tephroarchaeological investigations by archaeologists in Japan whose results are usually only accessible in Japanese. READ MORE

Paperback: £60.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00
