Keyword: kiln

Post-Roman and Medieval Drying Kilns

Robert Rickett et al.

Drying kilns, corn-dryers and malting ovens are familiar features in post-Roman, Anglo-Saxon and medieval archaeology, yet few works of synthesis are available. Robert Rickett's pioneering dissertation is published here for the first time, with additional material from Mark McKerracher which sets the work within the context of more recent studies. READ MORE

Paperback: £34.00 | Open Access

Le four de Sévrier et autres fours et fourneaux d’argile aux âges des métaux en Europe occidentale

Jean Coulon

This volume looks at the history of the Sevrier kiln, an artefact discovered in 1974 in Lake Annecy, considered in turn as one of the earliest Western pottery kilns, an enigmatic stove for domestic use, and a technological link in the Final Bronze Age which heralded the professionalisation of pottery, hitherto a purely domestic industry. READ MORE

Paperback: £44.00 | Open Access

The Buckley Potteries: Recent Research and Excavation

Nigel Jones

A regional pottery industry flourished in Buckley, Flintshire, from the medieval period to the mid-20th century. This book, based on recent research and excavations, identifies over 30 production sites. It considers the factors that influenced siting and development, how it changed through time and the reasons for its eventual demise. READ MORE

Paperback: £25.00 | eBook: £16.00

The Roman Pottery Manufacturing Site in Highgate Wood: Excavations 1966-78

A. E. Brown et al.

Excavations at Highgate Wood, London, over a period of eight years uncovered at least ten pottery kilns, waster heaps, ditches and pits, but only a few definite structures. This volume provides a very detailed analysis of the forms and fabrics of the pottery finds. READ MORE

Paperback: £60.00 | Open Access
