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H 290 x W 205 mm

248 pages

181 figures, 25 tables

French text

Published Feb 2021

Archaeopress Archaeology


Paperback: 9781789698619

Digital: 9781789698626

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Alpine archaeology; kilns; pottery; Final Bronze Age; Bronze Age communities

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Laboratoire d'archéologie préhistorique UNIGE

Le four de Sévrier et autres fours et fourneaux d’argile aux âges des métaux en Europe occidentale

By Jean Coulon

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This volume looks at the history of the Sevrier kiln, an artefact discovered in 1974 in Lake Annecy, considered in turn as one of the earliest Western pottery kilns, an enigmatic stove for domestic use, and a technological link in the Final Bronze Age which heralded the professionalisation of pottery, hitherto a purely domestic industry.



Préfaces ;
Résumé ;
1. Le four de Sévrier : de l’état de fragments à celui d’objet de référence controversé ;
2. Morphologie ;
3. Analyse fonctionnelle ;
4. Comparaisons ;
5. Discussion, perspectives ;
6. Conclusion ;
Figures ;
Tableaux ;
Bibliographie ;
Annexes en ligne

About the Author

Jean Coulon, archaeologist, teacher, and artist, was born in Annecy in 1952 and is a member of the Laboratory of Prehistoric Archaeology and Anthropology of Geneva. The practical experience acquired during a long practice of ceramics led him naturally to take an interest in this famous discovery from the Alpine lake-dwellings.