Keyword: Everyday Life

Arqueología de las comunidades rurales en la Península Ibérica

ed. Sofía Rojas Miguel et al.

This book explores the archaeology of rural communities in the Iberian Peninsula, examining settlement organization, environment, beliefs, trade, resource use, and socioeconomic changes from Prehistory to today. It highlights unpublished data, historical interpretation, and archaeology's role in cultural tourism and public history. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00

Journal of Hellenistic Pottery and Material Culture Volume 3 2018

ed. Renate Rosenthal-Heginbottom et al.

Containing professional articles, book reviews, and short presentations of research projects, the third volume of JHP continues to provide a forum for all kinds of studies on Hellenistic pottery and everyday objects. READ MORE

Paperback: £50.00
