Collection: Cardini by Groma

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Cardini by Groma is the double-blind peer-reviewed monograph series of the Open Access journal Groma. Documenting Archaeology.

Groma was founded in 2007 with the desire to share original methodological perspectives and new research approaches in archaeology. The name of the journal was derived from the groma, the Roman land surveying instrument, and it clearly expresses the deliberate connection between antiquity and technology, the double focus of the journal. An initial close connection with the Centro Studi per l’Archeologia dell’Adriatico, based in Ravenna, played a significant role in defining the main geographic scope of the published articles, with a particular focus on the Adriatic and Ionian region.

The monographic series of Cardini by Groma fully embraces the spirit of the journal and further extends it to new research themes, other than methodology, by also removing any strict geographical limit. The Cardini series is also aimed at offering an opportunity to young researchers at the beginning of their academic careers to publish their original research, while guaranteeing the high scientific quality of the publications.

As a synthesis of these features, the proceedings of the Landscape conference published in the present volume are a new and valuable addition to the publications included in the monographic series.

Series editors:

Enrico Giorgi, Julian Bogdani

The editorial board comprises:

Davide Gangale Risoleo, Ippolita Raimondo, Federica Carbotti, Veronica Castignani, Elena Pomar

Landscape 3: una sintesi di elementi diacronici

ed. Federica Carbotti et al.

Papers consider the level of ecological awareness inherent in ancient societies and to identify the possible solutions implemented, trying to answer two questions in particular: what were the choices (political, economic, social) implemented during climatic variations, and how were they perceived by ancient societies? READ MORE

Paperback: £55.00 | Open Access
