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H 290 x W 205 mm

130 pages

54 figures

Published Aug 2023

Archaeopress Archaeology


Paperback: 9781803275390

Digital: 9781803275406

DOI 10.32028/9781803275390

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Chalcolithic; Bronze Age; Iron Age; Northwest Africa; Ireland; Enclosures; Pottery; Fortifications; Weaponry

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Proceedings of the XIX UISPP World Congress (2–7 September 2021, Meknes, Morocco) Volume 2, General Session 5

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Eight papers, ranging from the Chalcolithic in Northwest Africa and Iberia to the Iron Age in Central Europe, shed light on issues as diverse as the principles of chronology building, the role of alleged ‘defensive’ enclosures, pottery studies, use-wear analysis of Iron Age weaponry and the Hallstatt/La Tène transition in the eastern Alps.



Foreword to the XIX UISPP Congress Proceedings




Les objets en coquilles d’œufs d’autruche du Chalcolithique en Espagne – Linda Boutoille


The painted pottery from the Chalcolithic mega-site of Valencina de la Concepción (Seville, Spain) and its possible relationship with Gar Cahal, northern Morocco – Alfredo Mederos Martín, Thomas X. Schuhmacher, Juan Manuel Vargas Jiménez, Charles Bashore Acero and Lorena Garvin Arcos


Dérive chronologique ou changement de paradigme ? Le cas du Bronze ancien en Europe centrale – Mireille David-Elbiali


Between defensive and symbolic. ‘Fortified’ hilltop sites in the Irish Late Bronze Age – Dirk Brandherm, Cormac McSparron and Linda Boutoille


Analyses chimiques et pétrographiques des céramiques du premier âge du Fer dans le Sud-Ouest de la péninsule Ibérique : bilan et perspectives – Michał Krueger, Dirk Brandherm et Violeta Moreno Megías


The emergence of Celtic culture in Styria – Florian Mauthner


On the symbolic values of the Iron Age walls in the western Iberian Plateau: an approach to the landscape archaeology of warfare – Luis Berrocal Rangel, Lucía Ruano, Pablo Paniego Díaz, Gabriel Bartolomé and Luis Berrocal Maya


Celtic swordplay: the contribution of the use-wear analysis of swords and scabbards from the La Tène site – Guillaume Reich


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