H 290 x W 205 mm
272 pages
138 figures, 28 tables (colour throughout)
Published Aug 2022
Paperback: 9781803272689
Digital: 9781803272696
Archaeology; Doggerland; Marine Palaeolandscapes; Early Holocene; Mesolithic
Related titles
Edited by Vincent Gaffney, Simon Fitch
Europe’s Lost Frontiers was the largest directed archaeological research project in Europe, investigating the inundated landscapes of the Early Holocene North Sea – often referred to as ‘Doggerland’. The first in a series of monographs presenting the results of the project, this book provides the context of the study and method statements.
General Editors Preface – Vincent Gaffney ;
1. Europe’s Lost Frontiers: Context and Development – Vincent Gaffney and Simon Fitch ;
Before Europe’s Lost Frontiers ;
2. Beyond the Site: An Evaluation of the Value of Extensive Commercial Datasets for Palaeolandscape Research – Simon Fitch and Eleanor Ramsey ;
3. A Description of Palaeolandscape Features in the Southern North Sea – Simon Fitch, Vincent Gaffney, Rachel Harding, Andrew Fraser and James Walker ;
4. From Extensive to Intensive: Moving into the Mesolithic Landscape of Doggerland – Simon Fitch ;
Europe’s Lost Frontiers ;
5. The Archaeological Context of Doggerland during the Final Palaeolithic and Mesolithic – James Walker, Vincent Gaffney, Simon Fitch, Rachel Harding, Andrew Fraser, Merle Muru and Martin Tingle ;
6. The Southern River: Methods for the Investigation of Submerged Palaeochannel Systems – Simon Fitch, Richard Bates and Rachel Harding ;
7. Establishing a Lithostratigraphic and Palaeoenvironmental Framework for the Investigation of Vibracores from the Southern North Sea – Martin Bates, Ben Gearey, Tom Hill, Erin Kavanagh, David Smith and John E. Whittaker ;
8. Sedimentary Ancient DNA Palaeoenvironmental Reconstruction in the North Sea Landscape – Robin Allaby, Rebecca Cribdon, Rosie Everett and Roselyn Ware ;
9. Palaeomagnetic Analysis of Cores from Europe’s Lost Frontiers – Samuel E. Harris, Catherine M. Batt and Elizabeth Topping ;
10. Applying Chemostratigraphic Techniques to Shallow Bore Holes: Lessons and Case Studies from Europe’s Lost Frontiers – Alexander Finlay, Richard Bates and Mohammed Ben Sharada ;
11. Introduction to Geochemical Studies within Europe’s Lost Frontiers – Mohammed Ben Sharada, Ben Stern and Richard Telford ;
12. Constructing Sediment Chronologies for Doggerland – Tim Kinnaird, Martin Bates, Rebecca Bateman and Aayush Srivastava ;
13. Building chronologies for Europe’s Lost Frontiers: Radiocarbon dating and Age-Depth Modelling – Derek Hamilton and Tim Kinnaird ;
14. Simulating a Drowned Landscape: A Four-dimensional Approach to Solving Problems of Behaviour and Scale – Phillip Murgatroyd, Eugene Ch’ng, Tabitha Kabora and Micheál Butler ;
15. Greetings from Doggerland? Future Challenges for the Targeted Prospection of the Southern North Sea Palaeolandscape – Simon Fitch, Vince Gaffney, James Walker, Rachel Harding and Martin Tingle ;
Supplementary Data ;
16. Supplementary Data to ‘Constructing Sediment Chronologies for Doggerland’ ;
'Europe's Lost Frontiers will make a significant contribution to unlocking a forgotten landscape that is the size of Wales and now lies beneath the central and southern sections of the North Sea. With an excellent introductory text from Gaffney and Finch, the book will appeal to readers who have a keen interest in palaeoenvironmental approaches to reconstructing lost landscapes.' – George Nash (2023): Current World Archaeology #120
‘Considering the legacy of the project, this volume conveniently brings together a considerable amount of information, underpinned by a critical transparency of the methods employed. This gives the volume authority and aids replication of a multi-proxy, synergistic approach that promises to facilitate a much more nuanced understanding of the Early Holocene environmental history of the southern North Sea. Whilst cost is a limitation to this approach (although it could be scaled up or down on a project-by-project basis) this work has the potential to move us away from a reliance on chance discoveries and towards a more reliable means of targeted prospection of submerged landscapes.’ – Rebecca Ferreira (2023): Journal of Maritime Archaeology