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H 245 x W 174 mm

204 pages

Published Dec 2021

Archaeopress Archaeology


Paperback: 9781803271248

Digital: 9781803271255

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Computing; Archaeological Theory; Data; Heritage; Open Software; Open Source

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ArcheoFOSS XIV 2020: Open Software, Hardware, Processes, Data and Formats in Archaeological Research

Proceedings of the 14th International Conference, 15-17 October 2020

Edited by Julian Bogdani, Riccardo Montalbano, Paolo Rosati

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Proceedings of the 14th edition of ArcheoFOSS, 18 high-level and peer reviewed papers are well distributed between two thematic sections—Application Cases and Development, and Open Data—contributed by more than forty Italian and foreign scholars, researchers and freelance archaeologists working in the field of Cultural Heritage.



Foreword ;
ArcheoFOSS 2020 Committees ;

Use, Application and Development of Free/Libre and Open Source (FLOS) Tools in Archaeology ;
1. Strumenti digitali open-source per la documentazione della cultura visuale paleo-mesolitica: dati preliminari da un flusso di lavoro sulle decorazioni incise su supporto calcareo dalla Grotta di Santa Maria di Agnano (Ostuni, BR) – Michele Pellegrino, Donato Coppola ;
2. Valutazione integrata delle dinamiche di rischio di erosione del suolo in presenza di depositi archeologici. Il metodo proposto dal progetto RESEARCH (REmote SEnsing techniques for ARCHaeology) – Stefano De Angeli, Fabiana Battistin, Federico Valerio Moresi, Philip Fayad, Matteo Serpetti ;
3. Rome - NE Palatine slopes: open-source methodologies and tools for the analysis of ancient architectures – Emanuele Brienza, Giovanni Caratelli, Lorenzo Fornaciari, Cecilia Giorgi ;
4. Un workflow open source per l'elaborazione delle immagini termiche da drone – Gabriele Ciccone ;
5. Analysis of urban mobility in 18th century Rome: a research approach through GIS platform – Renata Ago, Domizia D’Erasmo ;
6. Towards FreeCAD experimentation and validation as a FOSS HBIM platform for building archaeology purposes – Filippo Diara, Fulvio Rinaudo ;
7. FLOS for Museums: open solutions to train communities and manage heritage places – Paolo Rosati ;
8. The virtual countryman. A GRASS-GIS tool for ancient cultivation recognition – Augusto Palombini ;
9. Little Minions and SPARQL Unicorns as tools for archaeology – Timo Homburg, Florian Thiery ;

Creation, use and Promotion of Open Data and Open Formats in Archaeology ;
10. The ArchAIDE Archive: the open data policy and management of material covered by copyright – Francesca Anichini, Gabriele Gattiglia ;
11. SITAR: a new open-data infrastructure for a public archaeology of Rome – Mirella Serlorenzi, Riccardo Montalbano, Ascanio D’Andrea ;
12. SPARQLing Publication of Irish ᚑᚌᚆᚐᚋ – Ogham Stones as LOD – Florian Thiery, Sophie C. Schmidt, Timo Homburg ;
13. Towards an ontology of the Museum of Archaeology of the University of Catania: from the digitization of the legacy data to the semantic Web – Nicola Laneri, Rodolfo Brancato, Salvatore Cristofaro, Marianna Figuera, Marianna Nicolosi Asmundo, Daniele Francesco Santamaria, Daria Spampinato ;
14. Fieldnotes for the development and publication of open standards for the vectorisation of archaeologic and architectonic topographic legacy data – Julian Bogdani ;
15. Analysis and comparison of open and non-open spatial formats for archaeological research – Andrea D’Andrea, Francesca Forte ;
16. Open Data, Open Knowledge, Open Science: The new research group at the Institute of Heritage Science (CNR) – Alessandra Caravale, Alessandra Piergrossi, Irene Rossi ;
17. FOSS, Open Data e archeologia: qualche riflessione su passato, presente e prospettive future – Marco Ciurcina, Piergiovanna Grossi ;

Appendix ;
18. An introspective, incomplete, view on the activity of the FLOS community dealing with Archaeology and Cultural Heritage – Julian Bogdani, Federico Sciacca

About the Author

Julian Bogdani is an assistant professor at Sapienza University of Rome, where he teaches Digital Archaeology and Digital Humanities. The main focus of his research is the theoretical and practical issues related to the application of Computer Science to the archaeological and historical domain. He is the developer of Bradypus, a cloud-based database for archaeology. He directs the archaeological mission of Sapienza at Çuka e Ajtoit, a Hellenistic, Roman and Late Antique site in Albania. ;

Riccardo Montalbano is an archaeologist, specialist in ancient topography. He is currently GIS expert and Data Manager at Parco Archeologico di Ercolano (Naples) and Adjunct Professor at the University Uninettuno. As GIS expert, he is involved in several fi eld projects in Italy and abroad, and he is a member of the core team of the SITAR Project (Superintendency of Rome) and a research fellow of MAGOH Project (University of Pisa). ;

Paolo Rosati received his PhD in 2016 from L’Aquila University for research on the economic sustainability of software in archaeology and the development of FLOSS methods in Humanities (philology, archaeology, history, topography). Today he is a researcher at the Sapienza University of Rome as part of the ERC project PAThs (http://