H 245 x W 174 mm
136 pages
37 figures, 10 tables
Published Mar 2022
Paperback: 9781803270524
Digital: 9781803270531
Neolithic; Bell Beaker; prehistoric warfare; archery; anthropology; entheseal changes; social stratification
Related titles
Drawing on the author's recent study that assessed the bone morphology of skeletons in Bell Beaker burials for signs of specialised archery activity, this book contextualises the osteological findings and explores the evidence for warfare and archery throughout the Neolithic period in general and the Bell Beaker period in particular.
Introduction ;
Archaeological background ;
Neolithization ;
The Early and Middle Neolithic periods ;
The Pre-Bell Beaker Final Neolithic period ;
The Bell Beaker period ;
Part 1: Neolithic warfare ;
During the Neolithic period ;
Anthropological evidence ;
Fortifications ;
Imagery ;
Horses: domestication and riding ;
Weapons ;
Bows ;
Arrows ;
During the Bell Beaker period ;
Anthropological evidence ;
Fortifications ;
Imagery ;
Bow-shaped pendants ;
Weapons ;
Bows ;
Arrows ;
Wristguards ;
A glance at Bronze Age warfare ;
Part 2: Neolithic social organization ;
Specialization ;
The problem of child burials ;
Social hierarchy ;
Early indications and genetic evidence ;
Structures and metalworks ;
Examples from Bulgaria ;
A return to warfare ;
Part 3: The anthropological connection ;
The anthropological study ;
The Bell Beaker skeletal collection ;
Traumas ;
The suspected archers and their contexts ;
Results summary ;
Interpretations at the population level ;
Interpretations at the individual level ;
The anthropological results within an archaeological framework ;
Burial contexts ;
Bell Beaker society ;
A note on sex and sexism in archaeology ;
Closing remarks ;
Acknowledgements ;
‘Somit bleibt beim Rez. ein gemischtes Gefühl zurück; ein sehr interessanter und lobenswerter Ansatz, interessante Ergebnisse, aber in der vorliegenden Buchform leider nicht ideal umgesetzt. Dennoch finden sich zahlreiche gesammelte Informationen zum Thema Bogen & Co. im Band, die für sich genommen bereits Interessenten finden werden. Um die ganze Studie überblicken zu können, sei aber die originale Dissertation empfohlen.’ [translated: The reviewer is left with mixed feelings: a very interesting and commendable approach, interesting results, but unfortunately not ideally implemented in its current book form. Nevertheless, numerous collected pieces of information on the topic of bows & co. can be found in the volume, which will already attract interested readers in their own right. However, to gain a full overview of the study, the original dissertation is recommended.] – Christian Meyer (2023): GERMANIA 101