H 245 x W 174 mm
362 pages
59 figures (colour throughout)
Published May 2022
Paperback: 9781789697018
Digital: 9781789697025
Ancient Egypt; 18th Dynasty; Tombs; Ritual; Religion; Decoration
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This volume presents a study of the tomb of Kha-em-hat TT 57 at Qurna, West Luxor, which dates back to the 18th Dynasty – the reign of King Amenhotep III. It is considered one of the most important Egyptian tomb discoveries, containing rare scenes and revealing development of the religious rituals of the time.
Introduction ;
Discovery ;
Geographical position ;
Features and the plan of the tomb ;
Art characteristics ;
Chapter I ;
A. Titles ;
Division of the titles in the tomb ;
B. Facade: Court ;
II. Outer court - front door ;
III. Facade - stela of purification ;
IV. Facade - opening of the mouth stela ;
V. Facade - north wall ;
VI. Entrance - door frame ;
Chapter II: Transverse Hall ;
Transverse Hall ;
VII. East Wall ;
VII. East wall - south side ;
VIII. Remains of storehouse scene ;
VIII. A Kha-em-hat offerings to Goddess Renenut, Mistress of harvesting ;
IX. Unloading freight ships scene (lower register right-side wall) ;
X. South wall ;
XI. West wall ;
XII. East wall - north side ;
XIII. Kha-em-hat inspecting the surveying of the fields ;
XIV. Hall - north wall ;
XV. Hall - west wall - north side ;
Chapter III: Passage ;
Passage ;
XVII. East wall - south side ;
XVIII-XIX. South wall - funeral procession and ceremonies ;
XIX. Osiris with western goddess ;
Passage - east wall - north side ;
XX. Deceased purified and acclaimed by priests ;
XXI-XXII Passage - north wall ;
XXII. Kha-em-hat in a worshipping attitude ;
XXI. Kha-em-hat on the mountain ;
XXIII. Door entrance ;
Chapter IV: Inner Room ;
Inner Room ;
XXIV. South niche statues (Kha-em-hat and his Mother) ;
XXV. Inner room - east wall ;
XXVI. North niche statues ;
XXVII. West niche statues ;
Conclusion ;
Scene analysis ;