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H 290 x W 205 mm

316 pages

366 illustrations

Italian text

Published Sep 2020

Archaeopress Archaeology


Paperback: 9781789695366

Digital: 9781789695373

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Lake Loppio; Sant’Andrea Church; Archaeological Excavations; Stratigraphy; Small Finds

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This is the second volume presenting results of archaeological investigations on Isola di Sant’Andrea, located in the basin of Lake Loppio (Italy), with finds ranging from prehistory to the First World War. This volume considers the results of the archaeological research in the area of the church of St. Andrew (Sectors C and C1).



Prefazione ;
Capitolo 1 Le indagini nell’area della chiesa di Sant’Andrea – Barbara Maurina, Carlo Andrea Postinger ;
Capitolo 2 Lo scavo. Analisi stratigrafica e periodizzazione – Barbara Maurina ;
Capitolo 3 Resti di sepolture e analisi dei reperti scheletrici umani – Cinzia Borchia, Sabrina Calzà ;
Capitolo 4 Recipienti ceramici – Barbara Maurina, Milena Anesi, Claudio Capelli, Michele Piazza, Roberto Cabella ;
Capitolo 5 Reperti in pietra ollare e manufatti litici – Barbara Maurina ;
Capitolo 6 Reperti di vetro e pasta vitrea – Barbara Maurina, Alberta Silvestri, Anna Maria Fioretti, Fabiana Zandonai ;
Capitolo 7 Reperti metallici – Barbara Maurina, Florence Caillaud, Simone Cavalieri ;
Capitolo 8 Reperti numismatici – Marco Morghen, Carlo Andrea Postinger ;
Capitolo 9 Prodotti laterizi – Luca Gardumi, Barbara Maurina ;
Capitolo 10 Variae di terracotta e materia dura animale – Barbara Maurina ;
Capitolo 11 Manufatti in selce – Maurizio Battisti, Fabiana Zandonai ;
Capitolo 12 Indagini archeozoologiche – Eleonora Tomasini, Stefano Marconi ;
Capitolo 13 Considerazioni conclusive – Barbara Maurina, Carlo Andrea Postinger ;

About the Author

Barbara Maurina is the Archaeological Conservator at the Rovereto Civic Museum Foundation. Since 1988 she has been part of archaeological campaigns in Italy and abroad, and from 1998 to 2017 she was the excavation leader at the site of Loppio-Sant’Andrea. ;

Carlo Andrea Postinger is a freelance medievalist who graduated in Medieval Archaeology from the University of Pisa in 1993. At the site of Loppio-Sant'Andrea, he assisted Barbara Maurina in the direction of the excavation of Sector C.

in italiano

Barbara Maurina è conservatrice per l’archeologia presso la Fondazione Museo Civico di Rovereto. Sin dal 1988 partecipa a campagne archeologiche in Italia e all’estero; nel 1998 ha iniziato gli scavi nel sito di Loppio – Sant’Andrea, conclusi nel 2017. ;

Carlo Andrea Postinger, laureato con tesi in archeologia medievale presso l'Università di Pisa nel 1993, da allora esercita la libera professione come medievista. Nel sito di Loppio-Sant'Andrea ha affiancato Barbara Maurina nella direzione dello scavo del Settore C.


Overall, this book is an excellent example of how necessary a multi-disciplinary approach is for the reconstruction—albeit partial—of the history of a such peculiar site. The volume is well organized and includes a useful iconographic apparatus. All of the contributions are well written and, in addition to reporting specific data, they often offer clear explanations of broader issues, making the content understandable even to non-specialists. Finally, the (often very detailed) abstracts in English allow this work to reach a broad international audience. Readers will no doubt eagerly anticipate the results of future excavations in a third volume dedicated to this fascinating and still mysterious site.’ – Andrea Mariani (2022): Speculum vol. 97, issue 2
