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H 290 x W 205 mm

116 pages

96 figures, 1 table (59 pages in colour)

Published Sep 2019

Archaeopress Archaeology


Paperback: 9781789693195

Digital: 9781789693201

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Experimental Archaeology; Craft; Lithics; Metallurgy; Bronze tools; Ancient textiles; Clay moulds; Bronze Age; Crete; Greece; Medieval Ireland; Mediterranean

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Experimental Archaeology: Making, Understanding, Story-telling

Edited by Christina Souyoudzoglou-Haywood, Aidan O'Sullivan

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In this book, based on the proceedings of a two-day workshop on experimental archaeology at the Irish Institute of Hellenic Studies at Athens in 2017, scholars, artists and craftspeople explore how people in the past made things, used and discarded them, from prehistory to the Middle Ages.



1 - Introduction. Defining Experimental Archaeology: Making, Understanding, Storytelling? - Aidan O’Sullivan and Christina Souyoudzoglou-Haywood
2 - Experimental archaeological reconstructions and the investigation of houses from the past - Aidan O’Sullivan and Brendan O’Neill
3 - Crafting prehistoric bronze tools and weapons: Experimental and experiential perspectives - Barry Molloy
4 - “Cutting edge technology”: new evidence from experimental simulation and use of Late Bronze Age woodworking cutting tools. The saw as ‘case study’ - Eleni Maragoudaki
5 - Experimenting on Mycenaean gold-working techniques: the case of the granulated cone - Eleni Konstantinidi-Sybridi, NikolasPapadimitriou, Akis Goumas, Anna Philippa-Touchais and Romain Prévalet
6 - Thinking through our hands: making and understanding Minoan female anthropomorphic figurines from the peak sanctuary of Prinias, Crete. - Christine Morris, Brendan O’Neill and Alan Peatfield
7 - Reconstructing a Bronze Age Kiln from PriniatikosPyrgos, Crete - Jo Day and Maggie Kobik
8 - Where have all the moulds gone? A detailed investigation of early medieval bi-valve clay moulds - Brendan O’Neill
9 - Recreating Neolithic textiles: an exercise on woven patterns - Kalliope Sarri and Ulrikka Mokdad
10 - Experimental archaeology in the study of painting techniques and materials - Antonis Vlavogilakis

About the Author

Christina Souyoudzoglou-Haywood is Director of the Irish Institute of Hellenic Studies at Athens (IIHSA) and Adjunct Lecturer at the School of Classics, University College Dublin. For many years Curator of the Classical Museum, UCD, she has published on its history and contents as well as on Greek and Cypriot antiquities in other Irish museum and university collections. Aidan O'Sullivan is a Professor of Archaeology at University College Dublin, Ireland. He is Director of the UCD Centre for Experimental Archaeology and Material Culture and established the School of Archaeology's MSc in Experimental Archaeology and Material Culture in 2016.


'Experimental Archaeology: Making, Understanding, Story-telling (2019) is a short edited volume that should be of interest to students, archaeologists, and craftspeople who want to learn more about the technical details of certain European Bronze Age technologies derived through experimental archaeology.'
