H 290 x W 205 mm
844 pages
1,746 figures, 136 tables (867 colour pages)
Italian text
Published May 2020
Paperback: 9781789693089
Digital: 9781789693096
Rome; Campagna Romana; settlements; necropolises; Neolithic; Bronze Age; excavations
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Edited by Anna Paola Anzidei, Giovanni Carboni
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This two-volume study looks at the recent excavations in Rome and its surrounding areas which identified settlements and necropolises associated with a complex culture pre-dating that of Ancient Rome. The results reveal the social and cultural aspects of the daily life of the human groups who occupied this territory before the Latium civilization.
in italiano
Anna Paola Anzidei† è stata un funzionario archeologo specialista in preistoria (Paleolitico, Neolitico e Eneolitico) nella Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni Archeologici di Roma dal 1979 al 2012. Ha scritto numerosi contributi specialistici di notevole importanza sulla preistoria della città di Roma e del suo suburbio. è stata socio ordinario AIQUA, ISIPU e dell’Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria. ;
Giovanni Carboni è un archeologo specialista del Neolitico e dell’Eneolitico dell’Italia centrale e afferisce al Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Antichità della Sapienza Università di Roma e presta servizio presso il Museo delle Origini della stessa Università fin dal 1991. Dal 2005 è socio ordinario dell’Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria.
'According to the myth, evoked from the beginning of this work, Rome was founded in 753 BC, but we know that the history of the area where Romulus is said to have driven his plough began much earlier. And this volume provides a rich collection of evidence in this respect, giving an account of more than twenty years of surveys and digs held in different sections of the Roman suburb. Most of the finds span from the Neolithic to the Copper Age, including funerary areas and settlements, revealing dense occupation and reshaping our understanding of the cultural framework of Roman prehistory.'