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H 245 x W 174 mm

164 pages

164 pages; 60 figures (29 colour pages)

Published May 2020

Archaeopress Archaeology


Paperback: 9781789691030

Digital: 9781789691047

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Roman Empire; Dacia; Germania; Barbarian; Moesia Inferior; Hispania; Romanisation

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Rome and Barbaricum: Contributions to the Archaeology and History of Interaction in European Protohistory

Edited by Roxana-Gabriela Curcă, Alexander Rubel, Robin P. Symonds, Hans-Ulrich Voß

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How did the ‘Barbarians’ influence Roman culture? What did ‘Roman-ness’ mean in the context of Empire? What did it mean to be Roman and/or ‘Barbarian’ in different contexts? 9 papers explore concepts of Romanisation and of Barbaricum from a multi-disciplinary and comparative standpoint, covering Germania, Dacia, Moesia Inferior, Hispania, and more.



Foreword ;
What the Romans really meant when using the word ‘Barbarian’. Some thoughts on ‘Romans and Barbarians’ – Alexander Rubel ;
Germany East of the Rhine, 12 BC – AD 16. The first step to becoming a Roman province – Gabriele Rasbach ;
The Gallo-Roman temple ‘Auf dem Spätzrech’ (Schwarzenbach/Saarland) – From a Late La Tène cult place to a Gallo-Roman pilgrim shrine? – Daniel Burger-Völlmecke ;
After the ‘Great War’ (AD 166-180) – A ‘New Deal’ in internal relations within the Central and Northern European Barbaricum? – Hans-Ulrich Voß ;
Inter-cultural and linguistic relations north of the Danube – Iulia Dumitrache, Roxana-Gabriela Curcă ;
Prosopographic notes on Flavius Reginus from Arrubium – Lucreţiu Mihailescu-Bîrliba ;
Some considerations on the coin finds in the sites of Roman DaciaLucian Munteanu ;
Überlegungen zur Romanisierung jenseits des dako-moesischen Limes im Spannungsfeld zwischen Schulbuch, Fachwissenschaft und Politik – Alexandru Popa ;
Constructing identities within the periphery of the Roman Empire: north-west Hispania – Manuela Martins, Cristina Braga, Fernanda Magalhães, Jorge Ribeiro

About the Author

Roxana-Gabriela Curcă is Assistant Professor at the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania and Director of the Department for Long Distance Learning at the Faculty of History. ;

Alexander Rubel served at the Goethe Institute and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in Romania before being appointed Senior Research Fellow at the Archaeological Institute of the Romanian Academy and Associate Professor at the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi. Since 2011 he has been the Director of the Institute of Archaeology in Iasi. ;

Robin P. Symonds is a specialist in Roman ceramics and author of Rhenish Wares: Fine Dark Coloured Pottery from Gaul and Germany (1992). He retired from his position at the Institut national de recherches archéologiques préventives (INRAP), based at Dijon, in 2015. ;

Hans-Ulrich Voß (Voss) is Scientific Assistant at the Romano-Germanic Commission (RGK) of the German Archaeological Institut (DAI) at Frankfurt am Main. He is responsible for the Iron Age, Roman and Migration Periods, and for editorial work. He is project coordinator of the ‘Corpus of Roman Finds in the European Barbaricum (CRFB)’.