H 245 x W 174 mm
164 pages
164 pages; 60 figures (29 colour pages)
Published May 2020
Paperback: 9781789691030
Digital: 9781789691047
Roman Empire; Dacia; Germania; Barbarian; Moesia Inferior; Hispania; Romanisation
Related titles
Archaeopress Roman Archaeology 67
Edited by Roxana-Gabriela Curcă, Alexander Rubel, Robin P. Symonds, Hans-Ulrich Voß
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How did the ‘Barbarians’ influence Roman culture? What did ‘Roman-ness’ mean in the context of Empire? What did it mean to be Roman and/or ‘Barbarian’ in different contexts? 9 papers explore concepts of Romanisation and of Barbaricum from a multi-disciplinary and comparative standpoint, covering Germania, Dacia, Moesia Inferior, Hispania, and more.
Foreword ;
What the Romans really meant when using the word ‘Barbarian’. Some thoughts on ‘Romans and Barbarians’ – Alexander Rubel ;
Germany East of the Rhine, 12 BC – AD 16. The first step to becoming a Roman province – Gabriele Rasbach ;
The Gallo-Roman temple ‘Auf dem Spätzrech’ (Schwarzenbach/Saarland) – From a Late La Tène cult place to a Gallo-Roman pilgrim shrine? – Daniel Burger-Völlmecke ;
After the ‘Great War’ (AD 166-180) – A ‘New Deal’ in internal relations within the Central and Northern European Barbaricum? – Hans-Ulrich Voß ;
Inter-cultural and linguistic relations north of the Danube – Iulia Dumitrache, Roxana-Gabriela Curcă ;
Prosopographic notes on Flavius Reginus from Arrubium – Lucreţiu Mihailescu-Bîrliba ;
Some considerations on the coin finds in the sites of Roman Dacia – Lucian Munteanu ;
Überlegungen zur Romanisierung jenseits des dako-moesischen Limes im Spannungsfeld zwischen Schulbuch, Fachwissenschaft und Politik – Alexandru Popa ;
Constructing identities within the periphery of the Roman Empire: north-west Hispania – Manuela Martins, Cristina Braga, Fernanda Magalhães, Jorge Ribeiro