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H 290 x W 205 mm

242 pages

Illustrated throughout in colour and black & white (103 colour plates)

Published Aug 2018

Archaeopress Archaeology


Hardback: 9781784919313

Digital: 9781784919320

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Nubia; archaeology; Kerma culture; cemetery; funerary culture; pottery; physical anthropology; archaeobotany; archaeozoology

Sudan Archaeological Research Society Publication 22

A Kerma Ancien Cemetery in the Northern Dongola Reach

Excavations at site H29

By Derek A. Welsby

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Presents the final report on the excavations of a Kerma Ancien cemetery discovered by the Sudan Archaeological Research Society during its Northern Dongola Reach Survey (1993-1997). It is one of the very few cemeteries of this date to have been fully excavated and provides interesting data on funerary culture as practised in a rural environment.



1. Introduction ;
2. The Excavations ;
3. The Ceramic Finds at H29 ;
4. The Small Finds ;
5. Animal Deposits ;
6. The Physical Anthropology ;
7. Plants as Grave Goods: Microbotanical Remains (Phytoliths) from the ‘White Deposits’ in the Graves ;
8. Charcoal and Wood ;
9. Discussion ;
Bibliography ;
Arabic Summary

About the Author

Derek A. Welsby has directed excavations and surveys in Sudan since 1982. These have included all-period surveys in the Northern Dongola Reach and at the Fourth Cataract as a component of the Merowe Dam Archaeological Salvage Project. Major excavations have been undertaken within the capital of the medieval kingdom of Alwa at Soba East and in the Kushite town and cemetery at Kawa. Surveys have also been undertaken along Sudan’s first railway between Wadi Halfa and Kerma dating to the late 19th century.