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H 276 x W 203 mm

312 pages

217 illustrations; 33 tables (119 colour plates)

French text

Published Jul 2018

Archaeopress Access Archaeology


Paperback: 9781784919092

Digital: 9781784919108

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Navigation; Pre-Columbian Mesoamerica; Lakes; Transport; Trade; Economy; Mexico

Paris Monographs in American Archaeology 50

Navigation et installations lacustres dans les hautes terres du Mexique: les cas mexica et tarasque

By Alexandra Biar

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This research focuses on the practice of lake navigation and specific facilities that are associated with it in Late Postclassic Mesoamerica. Due to the need for a wholistic approach, this research is situated in a multidisciplinary framework that combines archaeology, ethnology and ethnohistory.



Prologue by Dr .Norman Hammond; Chapitre 1: Environnement lacustre et installations humaines sur le Haut Plateau Central Mexicain. Les Bassins de México et de Pátzcuaro; Chapitre 2: Navigation et aménagements lacustres: une pratique relationnelle dans la création d’un paysage culturel; Chapitre 3: La canoa comme instrument de navigation; Chapitre 4: Anthropisation et urbanisation du milieu lacustre; Conclusion; Bibliographie; Résumé
