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H 210 x W 148 mm

272 pages

38 figures, 13 plates in colour

Published Aug 2018

Archaeopress Archaeology


Paperback: 9781784918712

Digital: 9781784918729

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Archaeology; illustration; art; artist; Collingwood; Oxford; John Ruskin; Lake Artists Society; Northumbria; Viking; Medieval; Middle Ages; Biography

Archaeological Lives

The Life and Works of W.G. Collingwood

A wayward compass in Lakeland

By Malcolm Craig

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This well researched biography provides a comprehensive account of the life and works of William Gershom Collingwood (1854-1932), a nineteenth century polymath whose story should be better known. He was a noted friend and colleague of John Ruskin, whose secretary he later became.



Chronology ;
Preface ;
Chapter I Collingwood Family (1761-1854) ;
Chapter II Boyhood (1854-1872) ;
Chapter III Student Days (1872-1876) ;
Chapter IV Becoming an Artist (1876-1882) ;
Chapter V Edith Isaac (Dorrie) and Marriage (1877-1884) ;
Chapter VI Life at Gillhead Windermere (1883-1891) ;
Chapter VII Working with Ruskin (1881-1900) ;
Chapter VIII Life in Lakeland (1891-1932) ;
Chapter IX Researching the Past (1884-1932) ;
Chapter X Scandinavian Studies (1895-1928) ;
Chapter XI Academia and Lanehead (1905-1917) ;
Chapter XII Naval Intelligence (1917-1919) ;
Chapter XIII Later Research (1920-1930) ;
Chapter XIV Future of Lakeland (1932-) ;
Chapter XV Father and Son (1889-1932) ;
Chapter XVI Last Years (1928-1932) ;
Notes ;
Appendix A ;

About the Author

Malcolm Craig PhD lives with his wife Margaret in Histon, Cambridgeshire; they have a daughter, Alison and son, Andrew. He began working life as a marine engineer in the Merchant Navy, his voyages taking him to the far east and twice around the world. A keen mountaineer, between voyages he worked in the Alps of Switzerland, Italy and Austria. He became Chief Instructor at Outward Bound schools in Wales and Malaysia before moving back to engineering as a Training Manager in shipbuilding. He joined the Industrial Training Research Unit in Cambridge and completed a PhD in engineering at Cranfield Institute of Technology (now University), where he subsequently lectured, and worked as a Tutor for the Open University in Britain and Russia. He has written seven books, most with mountains as a theme, and became interested in the work of W.G. Collingwood while rock climbing as a young man in the English Lake District.