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H 245 x W 174 mm

614 pages

42 figures, 11 maps and plans (24 plates in colour)

Published Dec 2017

Archaeopress Archaeology


Paperback: 9781784917289

Digital: 9781784917296

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Qumran; Dead Sea Scrolls; Philosophy; Biblical studies; Jewish studies; Alexandria; Library at Alexandria; Jordan; Pythagoras; Graeco-Roman; Classical; Pythagoreanism

Alexandria and Qumran: Back to the Beginning

By Kenneth Silver

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This book addresses the proto-history and the roots of the Qumran community and of the Dead Sea Scrolls in the light of contemporary scholarship in Alexandria, Egypt.



Preface and Introduction; I Alexandria and Jewish Philosophies; II Pythagorean Philosophy; III Background to the Organisation of the Qumran-Essene Community; IV Qumran and the Pythagorean Philosophy: The Eleven Pythagorean Tetraktys in Comparison with the DSS; V Daily Life and Religion among the Qumran-Essenes; VI The Qumran Sundial and Ancient Solar Thinking; VII Back to the Beginning; VIII Summary; Sources, Bibliography, and Index

About the Author

Dr Kenneth Silver is a historian and professional archaeologist, who has lived and worked for decades in the Near East. He is a specialist in Hellenistic and Roman archaeology, history and numismatics. He has worked with archaeological material in Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Turkey. He has previously published a number of scientific articles and monographs in this field. His current research interests include the study of early Jewish-Christian relations and the history of early Christianity. Presently he is the director of a survey and mapping project in Northern Mesopotamia studying the border zone between the late Roman/ Byzantine Empire and Persia.