H 297 x W 210 mm
200 pages
Illustrated in colour throughout
Published Oct 2015
Paperback: 9781784911584
Digital: 9781784911591
Edited by Heidrun Stebergløkken, Ragnhild Berge, Eva Lindgaard
Ritual landscapes and borders are recurring themes running through Professor Kalle Sognnes' long research career. This anthology contains 13 articles written by colleagues from his broad network in appreciation of his many contributions to the field of rock art research.
Introduction (Ragnhild Berge and Heidrun Stebergløkken)
Knowing by learning by being there – the course which formed a new generation of rock art researchers (Jarl Nordbladh)
Contested worlds – a chronotopic essay about mortuary monuments and cultural change in Northern Europe in the second millennium BC (Joakim Goldhahn)
Art and intimacy within the prehistoric landscapes of Norway: how hunter/fisher/gatherers organised their ritual and political worlds through art (George Nash and May-Tove Smiseth)
Making community: rock art and the creative acts of accumulation (Mark Sapwell and Liliana Janik)
Bow and errors (Paul G. Bahn)
The method and physical processes behind the making of hunters’ rock art in Western Norway: the experimental production of images (Trond Klungseth Lødøen)
Boundless rock art – symbols, contexts and times in prehistoric imagery of Fennoscandia (Ulf Bertilsson)
Subsistence in central Norway elucidated through rock art excavation and documentation (Eva Lindgaard)
Between land and water: the ship in Bronze Age West Norway (Melanie Wrigglesworth)
The motif of the boat in Valcamonica rock art – problems of chronology and interpretation (Angelo Eugenio Fossati)
Contrasts of the maritime environment – possible implications in prehistory – A very short course of cognition in the ancient maritime cultural landscape (Christer Westerdahl)
Rock art and the importance of style – style complexes and group identity – South-Western United States and Mid-Scandinavia – a comparable approach (David Vogt)
Memory and destruction – pictorial practices surrounding red ochre paintings in late neolithic Northern Sweden (Ylva Sjöstrand)
Bibliography Kalle Sognnes 1971-2015 (Eva Lindgaard)