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H 297 x W 210 mm

140 pages

illustrated throughout in colour and black & white

Published Jan 2014

Archaeopress Archaeology


Paperback: 9781784910501

Digital: 9781784910518

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Archaeopress Pre-Columbian Archaeology 4

Palaces and Courtly Culture in Ancient Mesoamerica

Edited by Julie Nehammer Knub, Christophe Helmke, Jesper Nielsen

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This volume collects eight recent and innovative studies spanning the breadth of Mesoamerica, from the Early Classic metropolis of Teotihuacan, to Tenochtitlan, the Late Postclassic capital of the Aztec, and from the arid central Mexican highlands in the west to the humid Maya lowlands in the east.



Palaces and Courtly Culture in Ancient Mesoamerica: An Introduction (Julie Nehammer Knub, Jesper Nielsen & Christophe Helmke) ;
1. Where Kings Once Ruled? Considerations on Palaces and Rulership at Teotihuacan (Jesper Nielsen) ;
2. Identifying the Provenance and Dating of Maya Influences at the Cacaxtla Court (Christophe Helmke & Jesper Nielsen) ;
3. Rekindling the Past: Mexica‐Toltec Relations as a Source of Power and Prestige (Helle Hovmand‐Rasmussen) ;
4. The Center of Power: Tasks and Strategies of the Mexica Court (Casper Jacobsen) ;
5. Courtly Etiquette and Eloquent Speech in Ancient Mesoamerica (Rosa‐Maria Worm Danbo & Christophe Helmke) ;
6. How the Other Half Lives: The Role and Function of Body Paint at Maya Courts (Julie Nehammer Knub) ;
7. The Late Classic Maya Court of Namaan (La Florida, Guatemala) (Mads Skytte Jørgensen & Guido Krempel) ;
8. Royal Bundle Ceremonies at Yaxchilan (Rikke Marie Søegaard)
