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H 297 x W 210 mm

258 pages

333 Figures, 5 tables, 36 Plates, 10 Maps (colour throughout)

Published Nov 2014

Archaeopress Archaeology


Paperback: 9781784910143

Digital: 9781784910150

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Alexandria’s Hinterland

Archaeology of the Western Nile Delta, Egypt

By Mohamed Kenawi

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This volume contains detailed information about 63 sites and shows, amongst other things, that the viticulture of the western delta was significant in Ptolemaic and Roman periods, as well as a network of interlocking sites, which connected with the rest of Egypt, Alexandria, North Africa and the Eastern Mediterranean and Aegean.



1. Introduction and methodology ;
1.1. Introduction: organization of the research ;
1.2. Survey method ;
1.3. Terminology ;
1.4. Research questions ;
1.5. History of research ;
1.6. Documentation of the past ;
1.7. Rescue survey: emergency research and rapid documentation ;
1.8. History and geography of the Delta ;
1.9. Brief introduction to the past of the Western Delta ;
1.10. Land reclamation projects in the Western Delta of Egypt: the economic history of cultivated land ;

2. The Late Roman period and the Arab sources ;
2.1. Battles in the Western Delta of Egypt ;
2.2. Administrative changes from the Late Roman period until today ;
2.3. Arab sources: agriculture, routes, and notes on the Western Delta ;
2.4. Transport in the Western Delta ;
2.5. The Egyptian village ;

3. Survey 2008-2011: Introduction and Site Gazetteer ;
3.1 Wine production centres ;
3.2 (Ancient Psenamosis) ;
3.3 (Nakhla - Kedwet Hasan - Aziza - Difshuo - Sabba) ;
3.4 (Ancient Metelis) (Kom al-Ghoraf - Kom Wasit - Kom al-Ahmer) ;
3.5 Prehistoric sites ;
3.6 Other sites ;
3.7 Minor sites ;

4. Surface finds, analysis, plates and tables ;
Pottery selection and fabrics ;
Pottery collection and analysis ;
Discussion ;
Pottery Catalogue ;

Discussion and conclusions ;

Maps ;

