About Us
Archaeopress is an Oxford-based publisher run by archaeologists Dr David Davison and Dr Rajka Makjanic.
The range of our publications includes monographs, conference proceedings, catalogues of archaeological material, excavation reports and archaeological biographies.
Archaeopress is devoted to publishing serious academic work on all aspects of world archaeology, quickly and efficiently.
For detailed information regarding our current publishing imprints and full submission guides please see our ‘Publish with Us’ page or contact David Davison or Rajka Makjanic at info@archaeopress.com
Our History
David Davison MA MPhil DPhil FSA studied history in London and then archaeology at Oxford. He was privileged to be Shephard Frere's last formal doctoral student; his thesis was on the Roman army providing a comparative study of barracks from fortresses, forts and fortlets with an analysis of building types and construction, stabling and garrisons (available here in Open Access).
Rajka Makjanic MA PhD studied archaeology at the University of Zagreb. Her doctoral dissertation was on Terra Sigillata/Samian ware in Pannonia (also available in Open Access). She worked at the Institute of Archaeology in Zagreb for ten years, prior to moving to Oxford.
During the early 1990s both David and Rajka worked at Tempvs Reparatvm, one of the first archaeological consultancies. It is here that they first became involved in the publication of archaeological titles.
In 1997 David and Rajka founded Archaeopress and have been publishing archaeological books ever since with David taking the lead editorial role and Rajka managing production.
The Archaeopress Team
David Davison, Director of Publishing
Rajka Makjanic, Director of Publishing
Gerald Brisch, Director
Patrick Harris, Director, Head of Sales and Marketing
Mike Schurer, Editor
Ben Heaney, Production & Design Manager
Dan Stott, Editorial and Marketing Technical Co-ordinator
Victoria Harris, Accounts
British Archaeological Reports
BAR (British Archaeological Reports (Oxford) Ltd) was established in 1974 by Anthony Hands and David Walker. For 17 years BAR produced and published two Series (the BAR British Series, and BAR International Series). In 1991 Tempvs Reparatvm started publishing the BAR Series in conjunction with British Archaeological Reports (Oxford) Ltd/Hadrian Books Ltd, the Series principal publisher. In time Tempvs Reparatvm was succeeded by Archaeopress and John and Erica Hedges. For the next 18 years Archaeopress and Hedges successfully grew the output of the two Series by over 2400 titles. In 2015 British Archaeological Reports (Oxford) Ltd and Archaeopress parted company (the Hedges having retired earlier) with Archaeopress concentrating on its own range of imprints.