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Mediating Marginality draws on eight years of excavation and survey at the newly discovered Bronze Age Cemetery of Purić-Ljubanj in the county of Vukovar-Syrmia in eastern Croatia. It also incorporates data from an ongoing landscape project that continues to provide evidence of an extensive, hitherto unknown, cultural group living on the margins between well known and documented groups, such as the Belegiš and West Serbian variant of the Vatin cultural complex. The monograph explores what this marginality may have meant for these people and how they built a strong community identity through ongoing landscape modification that involved appropriating materials from a very limited palette and reworking and redepositing these in very specific ways over an exceptionally long period of time. Ideas surrounding the deployment of skill, stocks of knowledge and scales of performance are used to interrogate the social world the Spačva-Ljubanj mound builders created for themselves and reveal that although apparently marginalised they were far from impoverished and indeed appear to have created a thriving cultural heritage. The monograph closes with a discussion of how the project intends to go forward, placing particular emphasis on how the modern community can best benefit from continued research in the area.
About the Editors
Sandy Budden-Hoskins attained her BA, MA and PhD at the University of Southampton after many years working as a professional potter. She has 20 years experience working in Central Europe, specialising in analyses of Bronze Age ceramics. A Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship led directly to the Purić-Ljubanj project. Sandy worked with National Taiwan University to establish a clearer understanding of indigenous Paiwan pottery. Her publications relate to the role of skill and society in the Bronze Age. ;
Andreja Malovoz gained an MA in archaeology and a second MA in archaeological computing from Gothenberg University in 2004 and 2005. She became curator for archaeology at the Stjepan Gruber Museum in Županja in 2006 and defended her doctoral thesis at Heidelberg University in 2019. Andreja has worked with a number of museums in setting up both permanent and temporary exhibitions. Her publications interrogate the nature of landscape construction as a social phenomenon in the Bronze Age. ;
Mu-Chun Wu (PhD) is an assistant professor in archaeological computing (spatial technologies) at the Department of Anthropology, National Taiwan University. His core interests are social identity, spatial analysis, computing and landscape. ;
Lisa Waldock, BA, MA, ACifA currently works for Minerva Archaeology as an assistant project officer. Lisa loves the exploration of historic buildings, heritage and community-led archaeology and is a professional illustrator.

Lithic Studies: Anatolia and Beyond aims to show networks of cultural interactions by focusing on the latest lithic studies from Turkey, Greece, and the Balkans, bringing to the forefront the connectedness and techno-cultural continuity of knapped and ground stone technologies. Lithic studies are mostly conducted on a site by site basis, and specialist studies on lithics tend to focus primarily on technology and typology. As a result, information acquired through lithic research is presented as the identifier of the particular site with the addition of brief local correlations. This creates isolated islands of information. This volume is intended to bring these islands together to build the bigger picture, showcasing the fluidity of technological change, transitional cultural developments, and cultural formation by focusing on the interrelations between sites, localities and regions. Individually and collectively the wide range of papers in the volume give perspectives on Neolithization as seen through stone technologies, highlighting both regional trends and interregional relationships. The volume lays the foundations for creating an integrated understanding of Neolithic lithic technologies across the broad geographical regions of Turkey, Greece and the Balkans.
About the Editor
Adnan Baysal is Associate Professor of Prehistory at Ankara University, Turkey. He received his PhD from the University of Liverpool in 2010. He specializes in the Anatolian Neolithic and has worked extensively on the social and economic implications of ground stone assemblages from Çatalhöyük and other contemporary Central Anatolia sites. His edited volumes are on Networks and Social Organization (2015), Stone Tools in Anatolian Archaeology (2018), Time and History in Prehistory (2019) and Material Culture and People (2021).

Winchester Studies 10: This wide-ranging study uses historical and archaeological evidence to consider humanity's interactions with the environment, fashioning agricultural, gardening and horticultural regimes over a millennium and a half. The discussions of archaeological finds of seeds from discarded rubbish including animal fodder and bedding show the wide range of wild species present, as well as cultivated and gathered plants in the diet of inhabitants and livestock. Pollen analyses, and studies of wood, mosses, and beetles, alongside a look at the local natural environment, and comparison with medieval written records give us a tantalizing picture of early Winchester. The earliest record is by Ælfric of Eynsham in his 11th-century Nomina Herbarum. From medieval records come hints of gardens within the city walls, and considerable detail about agriculture and horticulture, and produce brought into the city. Wild fruit and nuts were also being gathered from the countryside for the town’s markets and mills. At St Giles’ Fair exotic imported spices and fruits were also sold. All these sources of evidence are brought together to reveal more fully the roles of agriculture and the environment in the development of Winchester.
About the Editors
Martin Biddle has an extensive archaeological career, but is perhaps most recognized for his excavations in Winchester where he introduced into urban archaeology a multi-period and multi-disciplinary approach employing archaeology, topography and historical archives, treating all periods from the Iron Age to the post-medieval with equal weight. ;
Jane Renfrew is a paleoethnobotanist noted for her studies on the use of plants in prehistory, the origin and development of agriculture, food and wine in antiquity, and the origin of the vine and wine in the Mediterranean. ;
Patrick Ottaway is a consultant providing specialist advice to commercial and public clients on archaeological and heritage matters. He was Assistant City Archaeologist in Winchester and Head of Fieldwork at York Archaeological Trust. He is author or editor of volumes on excavations in Winchester 1972–86, and of the Urban Archaeological Assessment for Winchester.

Practice and Prestige: An Exploration of Neolithic Warfare, Bell Beaker Archery, and Social Stratification from an Anthropological Perspective investigates the appearance of the ‘archer’s package’ in select Bell Beaker burials raising questions of daily life, warfare, and social stratification during the Neolithic period. It draws on a recent study by the author that applied an anthropological methodology to assess the bone morphology of these skeletons for signs of specialised archery activity. These analyses revealed results at both a population as well as an individual level. In order to contextualise these osteological findings, the book explores the evidence for warfare and archery throughout the Neolithic period in general and the Bell Beaker period in particular. This perspective considers warfare to be a primary function of archery, thereby associating ‘archer’ burials with concepts of warfare and the warrior. A second perspective delves into prehistoric concepts of specialisation and social hierarchy in order to situate archers, archery, and warfare within potentially stratified populations. These two perspectives allow for the contextualisation of the anthropological results within a broad archaeological framework in which archers and archery were prominent parts of a complex Bell Beaker society.
About the Author
Jessica Ryan-Despraz is a postdoctoral assistant at the University of Geneva (Switzerland). She holds an MSc in prehistoric archaeology and anthropology and a PhD in prehistoric archaeology. She specialises in biological anthropology, with a focus on human biomechanics and its influences on skeletal morphology. Her research has led to extensive work on Bell Beaker skeletons in order to address questions surrounding prehistoric archery and warfare.

Schinkel ‘in Athens’: Meta-Narratives of 19th-Century City Planning proposes a fresh appraisal of Karl Friedrich Schinkel’s urban design legacy and his involvement in the design of modern Athens in the 1830s. From the 1830s onwards, the incompatibility between Schinkel’s position as a civil servant and his vocation as a scholar inspired by Fichte led him along a transcendental path of life. Transcendentalism set its own terms and conditions under which Schinkel’s project of a palace atop the Acropolis of Athens (1834) might be understood. The ‘contextual analysis’ of Schinkel’s work in this book challenges the view of this proposal as a utopian scheme, detached from the realities of nineteenth-century Greece. On the other hand, the first plan of Athens, supposedly the work of two of his former Bauakademie students, ratified a year earlier, in 1833, proposed the location of the royal residence in the new town at a few hundred metres north of the Acropolis. But, though the two options for Otto’s palace were topographically dissimilar they did retain a common strong, topological significance – which, along with other factors analysed in this book, provides ample evidence for re-thinking the authorship of the new plan of the capital city of Greece. Schinkel ‘in Athens’, by all means!
About the Author
Dimitris N. Karidis is an architect and urban historian, Professor Emeritus of National Technical University of Athens.

This book explores pottery making and communities during the Bakun period (c. 5000 – 4000 BCE) in the Kur River Basin, Fars province, southwestern Iran, through the analysis of ceramic materials collected at Tall-e Jari A, Tall-e Gap, and Tall-e Bakun A & B. Firstly, it reconsiders the stratigraphy and radiocarbon dates of the four sites by reviewing the descriptions of excavation trenches, then presents a new chronological relationship between the sites. The book sets out diachronic changes in the the Bakun pottery quantitatively, namely the increase of black-on-buff ware and the gradual shift of vessel forms. It also presents analyses of pottery-making techniques, painting skills, petrography, and geochemistry and clarifies minor changes in the chaînes opératoires and major changes in painting skill. Finally, the book discusses the organisation of pottery production from a relational perspective. It concludes that the more fixed community of pottery making imposed longer apprenticeship periods and that social inequality also increased.
About the Author
Takehiro Miki completed his PhD at the Freie Universität Berlin in 2020. He currently works as a project research associate at the University Museum, the University of Tokyo. He has participated in fieldwork projects in Oman, Azerbaijan, and Pakistan. His research focuses on the processes of adopting and developing painted pottery, characteristic of southwest Asia from the fifth to third millennium BCE.

Early Anglo-Saxon Christian Reliquaries presents a corpus and discussion of a group of Anglo-Saxon copper-alloy containers dating to the seventh and possibly eighth centuries, and variously described as work boxes, needle cases, amulet containers or Christian reliquaries. Seventy-one boxes, some incomplete or fragmentary, have been recorded from forty-nine sites across Anglo-Saxon England. A typology, material specification, drawings, design and construction principles are provided, and a nomenclature applicable to these containers is outlined. Catalogue entries give details of site location, description, decorative features and references. Three box types are identified, and a concluding discussion suggests that boxes of Types I and II had a Christian function and should be considered as reliquaries. Type III boxes had a secular function, and their purpose remains enigmatic.
About the Author
Anthony Gibson left school without educational qualifications and secured an apprenticeship with an engineering firm. After National Service served in Korea and the Far East with the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, he started an engineering company. Here he remained as Managing Director until 2003 when a larger organisation purchased the company. In 1983, following a lifelong interest in archaeology and history, he enrolled at the University of Keele and obtained a diploma in Archaeology. Four years later he was accepted as a mature student at the University of Nottingham where he completed a BA(Hons) and MPhil in the subject.

Du capsien chasseur au capsien pasteur draws on recent fieldwork to put forward a model for neolithisation in the Eastern Maghreb. The analysis of occupation habits is essential for an understanding of ancient societies. In the Eastern Maghreb, studies on the Capsian culture have been considerably enriched in recent years, but have not yet been properly synthesised to establish the current state of research. Renewed fieldwork has made it possible to assemble a solid corpus of data on Capsian occupation and the Neolithisation of human groups. The study also aims to determine responses to local biotopes and environmental variations. Finally, an understanding of Neolithic socio-technical changes and the interpretation of the material remains belonging to the Capsian symbolic sphere is advanced.
About the Author
Lotfi Belhouchet is a professor of Prehistory. He is also a Senior Researcher and Director of the Division du Développement Muséographique at the Institut National du Patrimoine (INP-Tunisie). Through fieldwork he has developed his research on prehistoric cultures in general and the Capsian culture in particular, specialising in three central themes: lithic technology, flint petroarchaeology and art.
En français
L’analyse des modes d’occupation est essentielle à la connaissance des sociétés anciennes. Au Maghreb oriental, les études sur la culture capsienne ont été considérablement enrichies ces dernières années, mais n’ont pas encore fait l’objet d’un véritable travail de synthèse. Il est apparu nécessaire pour ce travail, d’établir un état des recherches sur le sujet. Pour appréhender d’une façon globale les problématiques majeures de la Préhistoire nord-africaine récente, on s’est appuyé principalement sur le renouvellement des données de terrain. Cela a permis d’acquérir un corpus de données solide sur les occupations capsiennes et la néolithisation des groupes humains. Il s’agit également de déterminer les réponses apportées aux biotopes locaux et aux variations environnementales. Il est question enfin de comprendre les changements sociotechniques néolithiques et d’interpréter les témoins matériels relevant de la sphère symbolique capsienne.
Lotfi Belhouchet est professeur de Préhistoire. Il est également Maître de Recherches et Directeur de la Division du Développement Muséographique à l’Institut National du Patrimoine (INP-Tunisie). Les travaux de terrain lui ont permis d’approfondir ses recherches sur les cultures préhistoriques en général et la culture capsienne en particulier et de se développer comme chercheur spécialisé en trois thèmes centraux : la technologie lithique, la pétroarchéologie du silex et l’art.

The scale of processing associated with the dyeing industry in Pompeii is a controversial subject. To determine the scale of manufacturing would allow an understanding of the operation of Pompeii’s economy and its part in the Roman World. Previous studies have taken a theoretical approach, and no conclusive answer has been reached. Conversely, Investigations into the Dyeing Industry in Pompeii uses a new multi-disciplinary triangulated approach. A replica was constructed to gauge the operating parameters of a dyeing apparatus within the framework of the principles of experimental archaeology. The remains were re-examined in situ with the new operational and ergonomics understanding. The replica was amended to allow exploration of design features and ventilation. The throughput of the apparatus was placed within the context of the industry with modern manufacturing systems theory. Computer simulation was used to explore the long-term mechanical effects of the dyeing process on the materials used in the construction of the original apparatus and to determine if ‘ratcheting’ failure was due to creep. These combined methods have given an understanding of the significance of the industry that is grounded in engineering and archaeological principles but within the context of Pompeii.
About the Author
Heather Hopkins Pepper graduated with BSc Archaeology and PhD in Roman Engineering from the University of Bradford. She was made AIfA in 2009. She continues to research, present and publish widely, diversifying through collaboration with different disciplines, including recent experiments through the European Textile Forum to explore the choice of materials used in dyeing apparatus. She edited and co-edited the first and second proceedings of the European Textile Forum in 2013 and 2018.

Paisajes, espacios y materialidades: arqueología rural altomedieval en la península ibérica brings together a selection of the papers presented during the first edition of EMCAM - Early Medieval Countryside Archaeological Meetings (Castelo de Vide, May 2019), organized by the Institute of Medieval Studies (IEM – NOVA FCSH) and the Municipality of Castelo de Vide. The last three decades of archaeological fieldwork and research have revealed the importance of rural landscapes in analysing the processes of change that followed the collapse of the Roman imperial structure. In this volume, the contributions of key researchers in early medieval peasant archaeology, especially in the north-western quadrant of the Peninsula, are brought together, offering a multiscale image of the main lines of ongoing research. The different chapters collect theoretical reflections, methodological approaches, studies of ceramic collections and bioanthropological, anthracological and carpological data from different sites, offering unpublished contexts, critical reviews, and regional syntheses. To reconstruct the historical processes of the early medieval peasant communities requires, simultaneously, detailed knowledge about specific settlements and territories and space to debate, reflect, and draw comparisons. This book aims to do just that.
About the Editors
Sara Prata (Researcher), Fabián Cuesta-Gómez (Researcher) and Catarina Tente (Associate Professor) are members of the Institute of Medieval Studies from NOVA University Lisbon – School of Social Sciences and Humanities (IEM - NOVA FCSH). Their current research focuses on early medieval communities, particularly in the Portuguese inland territories of Beira Alta and Alto Alentejo. In the last years they have promoted scientific meetings, and shared their findings in international conferences, which have been published in papers, chapters, and book form. Their research and associated activities have been developed within working protocols with municipalities from the Portuguese inland, promoting decentralized research and social returns for local communities.
en español
Paisajes, espacios y materialidades: arqueología rural altomedieval en la península ibérica reúne una selección de los trabajos presentados tras la primera edición del EMCAM - Early Medieval Countryside Archaeological Meetings (Castelo de Vide, mayo 2019), organizado por el Instituto de Estudios Medievales (IEM – NOVA FCSH) y la Cámara Municipal de Castelo de Vide (Portugal). Las últimas décadas de trabajo de campo e investigación arqueológicas han demostrado la relevancia de los paisajes rurales para el análisis de los procesos de cambio tras la desarticulación de la estructura imperial romana. En este volumen, se reúnen las contribuciones de investigadores clave en la arqueología campesina altomedieval, especialmente en los territorios del cuadrante noroccidental de la Península, ofreciendo una imagen multiescalar de las principales líneas de investigación en curso. Los diferentes capítulos recogen reflexiones teóricas, enfoques metodológicos, estudios de colecciones cerámicas y aproximaciones a la bioantropología, antracología y carpología de diferentes yacimientos, ofreciendo contextos inéditos, revisiones críticas y síntesis regionales. Avanzar en la reconstrucción de los procesos históricos de las comunidades campesinas altomedievales requiere, simultáneamente, generar conocimiento detallado sobre yacimientos y territorios concretos y promover espacios de debate y reflexión que permitan dar continuidad a esas lecturas. Este libro tiene como objetivo hacer precisamente eso.
Sara Prata (Investigadora), Fabián Cuesta-Gómez (Investigador) y Catarina Tente (Profesora Asociada) son miembros del Instituto de Estudios Medievales (NOVA FCSH). Sus investigaciones se centran en las comunidades rurales altomedievales, particu

Measurements of bones and teeth play an important role in zooarchaeology. They are useful in distinguishing between closely related species and between their wild and domestic forms. Measurements can tell us about size and shape, and for large samples it is sometimes possible to ascertain the sex ratio of the animals from which the bones are derived. For sequences of archaeological assemblages, changes in sizes can tell us about environmental and economic changes such as the advent of domestication and livestock improvement.
An Experimental Approach to Archaeomorphometrics has the following aims: to publish a set of metapodial (Artiodactyl) measurements to facilitate comparisons with other bones from archaeological sites and to help the interpretation of measurement data; and to gain a better understanding of metric data, i.e., how much dimensions of different bones and parts of bones vary, and how they reflect the condition of the animal in life. To this end the volume uses principal component analysis to interpret morphological differences between taxa. About the Authors
Kalangi Rodrigo studies at the Department of Archaeology, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka as a final year Undergraduate. Her focus is on Zooarchaeology and Ecological Perspectives on Sri Lankan Prehistoric Studies. ;
Kelum Manamendra-Arachchi is a faunal specialist and herpetologist currently affiliated with the Postgraduate Institute of Archaeological Research, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. He has been working in Sri Lankan Prehistoric excavations since the 1990s identifying faunal materials.

The twentieth annual meeting of the Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology (SOMA) was held in Saint-Petersburg, Russia on 12-14 May 2016. As in the past, the symposium provided an important opportunity for scholars and researchers to come together and discuss their works in a friendly and supportive atmosphere.
The main theme of the 2016 meeting is the archaeology of the Northern Black Sea. The Northern Black sea region is an area rich in archaeological sites, on the one hand, and subject to active industrial development, a rapidly growing population and the development of port and recreational facilities on the other, with an attendant growth of pollution and waste. Therefore, in addition to traditional issues related to archaeological finds in various parts of the Mediterranean, the papers focus on new ideas for the conservation and management of sites of historical and cultural heritage.
About the Editors
Hakan Oniz completed his masters and PhD in Underwater Archaeology at Selçuk University, Konya. He manages several Underwater Archaeology research and excavation projects on the Turkish Mediterranean Coast, is Secretary and bureau member of ICOMOS-ICUCH (International Committee of Underwater Cultural Heritage), a member of the UNESCO National Observation Committee of Underwater Archaeology, and a member of the CMAS Scientific Committee. ;
Sergey Fazlullin is President of the Russian Underwater Activities Confederation, Associate Professor of the Department of Museology of the Russian State Humanitarian University and a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. Since 1982, he has been collaborating with leading Russian universities as a supervisor of field marine practices and theses.

The ancient Buddhist art of Gandhāra was rediscovered from the 1830s and 1840s onwards in what would become the North-West Frontier of British India. By the end of the century an abundance of sculptures had been accumulated by European soldiers and officials, which constituted the foundations for a new field of scholarship and internationally celebrated museum collections. Both then and since, the understanding of Gandhāran art has been impeded by gaps in documentation, haphazard excavation, forgery, and smuggling of antiquities. Consequently, the study of Gandhāran archaeology often involves the evaluation and piecing together of fragmentary clues. In more subtle ways, however, the modern view of Gandhāran art has been shaped by the significance accorded to it by different observers over the past century and a half. Conceived in the imperial context of the late nineteenth century as ‘Graeco-Buddhist’ art – a hybrid of Asian religion and Mediterranean artistic form – Gandhāran art has been invested with various meanings since then, both in and beyond the academic sphere. Its puzzling links to the classical world of Greece and Rome have been explained from different perspectives, informed both by evolving perceptions of the evidence and by modern circumstances.
From the archaeologists and smugglers of the Raj to the museums of post-partition Pakistan and India, from coin-forgers and contraband to modern Buddhism and contemporary art, this fourth volume of the Classical Art Research Centre’s Gandhāra Connections project presents the most recent research on the factors that mediate our encounter with Gandhāran art.
About the Editors
Wannaporn Rienjang is Lecturer in Archaeology, Museum and Heritage Studies at the Faculty of Sociology and Anthropology, Thammasat University and a project consultant for the Gandhāra Connections project at the Classical Art Research Centre, Oxford. She completed her doctoral degree in Archaeology at the University of Cambridge in 2017, and has been involved in research projects focusing on the art and archaeology of Greater Gandhāra, Indian Ocean Trade and ancient working technologies of stone beads and vessels. ;
Peter Stewart is Director of the Classical Art Research Centre and Professor of Ancient Art at the University of Oxford. He has worked widely in the fields of Graeco-Roman sculpture and ancient world art. His publications include Statues in Roman Society: Representation and Response (2003), The Social History of Roman Art (2008), and A Catalogue of the Sculpture Collection at Wilton House (2020).

The Pax Assyriaca provides a study of the evolutionary process of ancient civilisations, stressing the complementarity between theoretical principles and the relevant historical and archaeological evidence. Taking its approach from World Systems Theory, the study focuses on the origin, development and collapse of the first, ‘Near Eastern’, stage of the ‘Central Civilisation’. The volume seeks to better understand the evolution of this stage of the Central Civilization, exploring its origin in the fusion of the Mesopotamian and Egyptian civilizations resulting from the expansion of the so-called Neo-Assyrian Empire from 1000 BC to 600 BC – better known as the Pax Assyriaca. Alongside investigations into the structure and development of the Mesopotamian and Egyptian civilisations, the book presents a theoretical analysis of Neo-Assyrian imperialism and traces the characteristics of the incorporation of Egypt into the Pax Assyriaca, concluding that this integration was only fully completed by the successor empires of Assyria around 430 BC. Finally an explanation for the collapse of the Neo-Assyrian Empire is presented and its legacy in the context of the ‘Central Civilisation’ is assessed.
About the Author
Benjamin Toro has a BA in History from the University of Chile and an MA in Classical Studies from the Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación (UMCE). He has completed Postgraduate Studies at the Institute of Archaeology and the Rothberg School at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He has gained an MPhil in Cuneiform Studies and a DPhil in Ancient Near Eastern Studies from the University of Birmingham. He is Assistant Professor of Ancient Near Eastern History and First Civilizations at the University of Concepción.

Tomb Families investigates the apparently random distribution of New Kingdom private tombs in the Theban Necropolis by focusing on factors which may have influenced tomb location. The Theban Necropolis contains hundreds of tombs belonging to elite individuals, dating from the end of the Old Kingdom through to the Ptolemaic Period, with the vast majority dating to the New Kingdom (c.1550-1077 BC). These tombs are scattered across the landscape at the edge of the desert between the Valley of the Kings to the west, and the row of royal mortuary temples along the edge of the cultivation to the east. GPS surveying has enabled the spatial analysis of these tombs, demonstrating that specific areas of the necropolis were popular at different times and among particular groups of people. Clusters and patterns can be identified between tombs built during the same reign(s), as well as between tomb owners with similar titles and familial connections. The orientation of specific tombs towards Karnak temple, royal mortuary temples and festival processional routes reveals their significance to certain individuals. This research provides a deeper understanding of the necropolis, and how private tombs linked to the wider sacred landscape of Thebes.
About the Author
Katherine Slinger was awarded her PhD in Egyptology in 2020 from the University of Liverpool for her research into the non-royal Theban Necropolis. She graduated with a first-class degree in Egyptology in 2014, and a Master’s degree with Distinction in Egyptology in 2015, both from the University of Liverpool. She is also a qualified primary school teacher. Katherine has taught Egyptian Archaeology at the University of Sheffield and Durham University, and currently works as an Egyptology tutor in the Continuing Education department at the University of Liverpool. She is also an independent researcher and freelance lecturer.

Rocks of Ages: Developing Rock Art Tourism in Israel presents the findings of an interdisciplinary project aimed at safeguarding the future of this unique resource. Cultural heritage in the Negev desert region of Israel is potentially under threat from a number of social, political and economic activities such as militarization, settlement and tourism, resulting in significant environmental change. The cultural heritage and archaeology extend back at least a quarter of a million years but also include a unique engraved rock art assemblage that dates to at least 3000 BCE. These engravings form a clear association with other relic monuments including prehistoric and protohistoric settlements, agricultural and irrigation regimes, and the remnants of a nomadic way of life. But how can this unique cultural heritage survive in the long-term? In December 2017, an international conference was held at Mitzpe Ramon attended by academics, heritage professionals and individuals from the tourism industry. The meeting centered on the dissemination of the findings from the Integrative Multilateral Planning to Advance Rock Art Tourism (IMPART) research project. Formed from an interdisciplinary team of Israeli-Italian scholars, the IMPART researchers collaborated to conduct archaeo-ecological and socio-touristic research with the goal of establishing an authoritative set of sustainable best practices for effectively valorizing Negev rock art. Based on the successful outcome of this research dynamic, the book is organized into 12 thought-provoking chapters that identify and analyze the cultural heritage, archaeology and tourism geographies that fill the multilayered Negev landscape. The focus throughout is to find ways to preserve this unique heritage for future generations while striking a balance between these fragile resources and the pressures for development of the desert.
About the Contributors
Joshua Schmidt is a research fellow in the Zinman Institute of Archaeology at the University of Haifa and a visiting scholar in the Department of Geography at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Schmidt is a cultural anthropologist working in multiple fields across the Negev and was the IMPART project coordinator and primary investigator. ;
Natan Uriely is a Full Professor in the Department of Hotel and Tourism Management at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. His research focuses on various issues within the sociology of tourism including tourist typologies, the tourist experience, guest-host interactions, tourism management, sustainable tourism development and public policy. ;
Davida Eisenberg-Degen is an inspector with the Southern District of the Israel Antiquities Authority and associated with the Archaeology, Bible and Near Eastern Department of Ben Gurion University of the Negev. She is a prominent expert in Israeli desert rock art with a particular focus on the Byzantine, Early Islamic Umayyad and Abbasid and Bedouin periods. ;
Sara Levi Sacerdotti is a specialist in the analysis and evaluation of public policies within various territorial settings. She currently oversees project development for the Fondazione 1563 per l’Arte e la Cultura, an academic-based cultural foundation specializing in the support for joint international research in the humanities. ;
George Nash is an Associate Professor. Based at the Geosciences Centre at IPT in Portugal, George has undertaken extensive research and fieldwork in the Negev region of southern Israel.

From Ritual to Refuse explores the faunal exploitation by the Maya elite at the site of Chinikihá, Chiapas, during the end of the Late Classic period (AD 700-850) by applying zooarchaeological and statistical analyses to a faunal assemblage located in a basurero or midden behind a palatial structure at the core of the site. This deposit has been interpreted as the result of one or various feasting events. The aim is to investigate temporal changes of function, more specifically during periods of increasing political competitiveness. Moreover, these analyses suggest that there is a change in the use of faunal resources, from a ritual pattern to a more general refuse deposit. The results from the zooarchaeological analysis are supported by a dietary analysis using δ13C and δ15N stable isotopes conducted on human and faunal samples. The results from the faunal assemblage suggest that there was a constant supply of animals for ritual and non-ritual uses, and that these animals were mostly obtained in the wild.
About the Author
Coral Montero López has a PhD in Archaeology from La Trobe University, Australia, and has been an Adjunct Lecturer at the University of New England and a seasonal lecturer at La Trobe University. Coral has participated in various archaeological projects in Mexico and currently works as a consultant in Australia, where she has worked for private and government agencies over the last 10 years. She has published numerous journal articles.

Tutankhamun Knew the Names of the Two Great Gods offers a new interpretation of the terms Dt and nHH as fundamental concepts of Pharaonic ideology. The terms Dt and nHH have often been treated as synonyms reflecting notions related to the vastness of time. However, from the study of original source material – the texts and iconography compiled over some three millennia and authored by those who surely had complete understanding of their subject matter – it becomes clear that those modern interpretations are somewhat questionable. Clues to the connotations which may be ascribed to Dt and nHH are perhaps most clearly apparent in texts and imagery from the reign of Tutankhamun – a time of political upheaval during which it was more than usually important to express traditional mores with clarity to demonstrate a return to the well-established ideology underpinning pharaonic culture prior to the Amarna interlude. Testing those indications against the wider range of extant literary material confirms that Dt and nHH were neither synonyms, nor were they entirely temporal in nature, but rather referenced a duality of ontological conditions which together were fundamental to the fabric of pharaonic ideology. The reappraisal of this duality of conditions allows the many texts and iconographic depictions surviving from dynastic Egypt to be considered from a new perspective – one providing deeper insight into the character of pharaonic culture. Moreover, it becomes apparent that the influences of an ideology which evolved during times pre-dating the pyramid builders permeated the philosophical and theological treaties of the scholars of ancient Greece and Rome, and thence into more recent times. At least two great gods may live on.
About the Author
Steven Gregory studied Egyptology at the University of Exeter and later at the University of Birmingham – but mainly in the surviving monuments of Egypt itself, where the notions forming the basis of this book took shape. The final thesis was developed over a period of some 17 years during which research in the field was punctuated by periods of teaching in both adult and higher education. While teaching at the University of Birmingham the author joined colleagues in founding the student and alumni group, Birmingham Egyptology, and became the first editor of the Birmingham Egyptology Journal. Meanwhile continuing research, focussed on the interpretation of texts and iconography to determine aspects of pharaonic ideology, led to the publication of articles in a variety of academic journals and edited volumes, and the monograph, Herihor in Art and Iconography.

The Neolithic Cemetery at Tell el-Kerkh is the second volume of the final reports on the excavations at Tell el-Kerkh, northwest Syria. The 12-year field campaigns at Tell el-Kerkh yielded several unexpected archaeological findings. The existence of the oldest cultural deposits from the early Pre-Pottery Neolithic B period (c. 8700-8300 BC) in northwestern Syria was revealed. The investigations also revealed that several large and complex societies had existed from the late Pre-Pottery Neolithic B to the middle Pottery Neolithic periods (c. 7600–6000 BC). One of the most conspicuous findings of the excavations at Tell el-Kerkh was the discovery of a Pottery Neolithic cemetery dating between c. 6400 and 6100 BC, which makes it one of the oldest outdoor communal cemeteries in West Asia. This book focuses specifically on this cemetery. It reports the discovery of over 240 burials and discusses the process of the formation and development of the cemetery. Initially used for traditional house burials in a corner of the settlement, the cemetery eventually became a graveyard that was physically separated from the residential buildings and consisted only of graves. In other words, burials that were deeply related to each house developed into an outdoor communal cemetery of the settlement. The Kerkh Neolithic cemetery was a precursor to the wider development of communal cemeteries in West Asia, and its investigation provides us with a deeper understanding of Neolithic society in West Asia.
About the Editors
Akira Tsuneki is a Professor Emeritus, University of Tsukuba, Japan. His specialty is West Asian archaeology, especially Neolithic studies. He was a lecturer at Tokai University (1989-1992) before becoming an associate professor and then professor at the University of Tsukuba (1992-2020). He has led numerous archaeological excavations in Syria (Umm Qseir, Tell el-Kerkh), Iran (Tang-e Bolaghi, Arsanjan), and Iraqi-Kurdistan (Qalat Said Ahmadan, Jarmo) which were focused on the theme of Neolithization and urbanization. ;
Naoko Hironaga is a Research Assistant at the Research Center for West Asian Civilization, University of Tsukuba. She graduated from Waseda University and received her master’s degree in Near Eastern archaeology at the University of Tsukuba. She participated in the excavations at Tell el-Kerkh and is deeply interested in prehistoric funeral rituals. In particular, her research focuses on the social implications of cremations and child burials. ;
Sari Jammo is a Researcher at the Research Center for West Asian Civilization, University of Tsukuba. After graduating from Aleppo University in Syria, he earned an MA and a PhD from the University of Tsukuba. His PhD thesis focused on the Tell el-Kerkh cemetery. He served as a JSPS fellow at the University Museum of the University of Tokyo (2019-2021).

The Continuity of Pre-Islamic Motifs in Javanese Mosque Ornamentation assesses the continuity and significance of Hindu-Buddhist design motifs in Islamic mosques in Java. The research starts from a belief that typical Javanese ornaments were consistently used both in pre-Islamic Hindu-Buddhist temples and Islamic mosques in Indonesia. This phenomenon was a result of syncretic Javanese Islam, composed of mystic animism, Hindu-Buddhism, and Islam, which differed from orthodox Islam in the Near East and Arab world. The volume investigates four pre-Islamic motifs in Javanese mosque ornamentation from the 15th century to the present day: prehistoric tumpals, Hindu-Buddhist kala-makaras, lotus buds, and scrolls, all of which have symbolic connotations and are used to decorate sanctuaries. For a comparison between temple and mosque ornamentation, 10 Hindu-Buddhist temples and 30 mosques were selected, and a representative sample of each motif was taken during the researcher’s fieldwork. The findings revealed continuity in the four motifs across the pre-Islamic and Islamic periods, reflected in lines, shapes, forms, and rhythms. The symbolic connotations of the four motifs allowed them to continue, and their influence was dependent upon the creativity of the local genius in each epoch.
About the Author
Hee Sook Lee-Niinioja is a scholar, journalist, artist and designer. An Asian pioneer student in Scandinavia (1975), she holds the following degrees: BA journalism: South Korea; BA & MA art-design: Norway; MA visual communication: USA; PhD architecture: UK. Specializing in comparisons of Hindu-Buddhist/Christian/Islamic architecture, cultural heritage, and semiotics, she has authored monographs, conference papers, and articles, and delivered lectures at universities/institutes/NGOs worldwide. From 2017-20 she was President of ICOMOS-ICICH (Scientific Committee on Intangible Cultural Heritage).

The Neolithic settlement of Aknashen (Ararat valley, Armenia): excavation seasons 2004-2015 is the first monograph devoted to the Neolithic period in Armenia. The research is based on an Armenian-French project, in which specialists from Canada, Romania, Germany and Greece also participated. The volume concerns the natural environment, material culture and subsistence economy of the populations of the first half of the 6th millennium BC, who established the first sedentary settlements in the alluvial plain of the Araxes river. The thickness of the cultural layer of Aknashen (almost 5m), the extent of the excavated areas and the multidisciplinary nature of the research, confer great importance upon this site for the study of the Neolithic, both in Armenia and in the South Caucasus as a whole. The publication examines the similarities and differences that exist between the sites established in the 6th millennium in the basins of the rivers Araxes (Armenia) and Kura (Georgia and Azerbaijan), as well as parallels with contemporary cultures in Southwest Asia. It also examines questions concerning the characterisation and periodisation of the Neolithic in the central part of the South Caucasus, the emergence of a production economy (pottery, animal husbandry, etc.) and the Neolithisation of this region.
About the Editors
Ruben Badalyan is a Doctor of Historical Sciences in the Academy of Sciences of Armenia and a Leading Scientific Member of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography. His work concerns the Neolithic and the Bronze Age in the South Caucasus, the chronology of the Kura-Araxes culture and the exploitation of obsidian. He has directed or co-directed field investigations at numerous archaeological sites in Armenia (Karnut, Gegharot, Tsaghkahovit, Horom), including joint Armenian-French projects (Aratashen, Aknashen, Voskeblur, Haghartsin).
Christine Chataigner is a researcher at the Archéorient laboratory (UMR 5133, CNRS - Université Lyon 2). Her research focuses on the Neolithic and Chalcolithic periods in the South Caucasus as well as the characterisation and diffusion of obsidian in this region and the neighbouring countries. The Director of the Caucasus archaeological mission (French Ministry of Foreign Affairs), she has participated in various surveys and excavations in Armenia (Kmlo-2, Godedzor, Getahovit, Kalavan, Tsaghkahovit rockshelter) and in Georgia (Paravani, Bavra-Ablari).
Armine Harutyunyan is a researcher at the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia. For several years, she has been involved in the excavation of Neolithic and Bronze Age sites, either in the framework of the Armenian-French cooperation (Aratashen, Aknashen, Voskeblur, Haghartsin) or the ArAGATS project (Gegharot, Tsaghkahovit). Her fields of specialization are Neolithic architecture and the study of ceramics.

New Approaches to the Archaeology of Beekeeping aims to take a holistic view of beekeeping archaeology (including honey, wax, and associated products, hive construction, and participants in this trade) in one large interconnected geographic region, the Mediterranean, central Europe, and the Atlantic Façade. Current interest in beekeeping is growing because of the precipitous decline of bees worldwide and the disastrous effect it portends for global agriculture. As a result, all aspects of beekeeping in all historical periods are coming under closer scrutiny. The volume focuses on novel approaches to historical beekeeping but also offers new applications of more established ways of treating apicultural material from the past. It is also keenly interested in helping readers navigate the challenges inherent in studying beekeeping historically. The volume brings together scholars working on ancient, medieval, early modern, and ethnographic evidence of beekeeping from a variety of perspectives. In this sense it will serve as a handbook for current researchers in this field and for those who wish to undertake research into the archaeology of beekeeping.
About the Editor
David Wallace-Hare (PhD University of Toronto) is an environmental historian of ancient and medieval beekeeping, mining, and forest management in western Europe. He is currently a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Exeter on the NERC-funded project MEMBRA (Understanding Memory of Treescapes for Better Resilience and Adaptation).

‘Archaeology and Techne’ publishes papers resulting from the European project EPNet (Production and Distribution of Food during the Roman Empire: Economic and Political Dynamics). Various interdisciplinary research techniques and results are presented. The main goal of the EPNET project was to use formal tools to investigate existing hypotheses about the Roman economy in order to understand which products, and in which periods, were distributed through the different geographical regions of the empire. The project also aimed to ascertain the role that different political and economic agents played in controlling both production and trade networks.
‘Arqueología y Téchne’ presenta varios trabajos realizados por los miembros del equipo del proyecto europeo EPNet (Producción y distribución de alimentos durante el Imperio Romano: Dinámica económica y política; ERC Advanced Grant 2013-ADG 340828). Aquí se publican diversas investigaciones y resultados interdisciplinarios. El objetivo principal del proyecto EPNet era utilizar herramientas formales para falsificar las hipótesis existentes sobre la economía romana para comprender qué productos, en qué períodos, se distribuyeron a través de las diferentes regiones geográficas. También se destaca el papel que desempeñaban los diferentes agentes políticos y económicos en el control de los productos y las redes comerciales.
About the Editors
José Remesal Rodríguez has been Professor of Ancient History at the University of Barcelona since 1988. He is founder of the ‘Centro para el Estudio de la Interdependencia Provincial en la Antigüedad Clásica’ (CEIPAC), with projects in Austria, Germany, Italy, Libya and Tunisia. His work has been published internationally in more than 160 scientific articles. The main subject of his research is the interaction between political and economic life in the Roman world, based on the study of the production, distribution and consumption of food. ;
Jordi Pérez González is a postdoctoral researcher ‘Juan de la Cierva-Formación’ at the University of Girona (Department of History and Art History). He received his Doctorate from the University of Barcelona, obtaining the Extraordinary Doctorate Award (2017). He was a research technician in the CEIPAC group during the period 2013-2020. As well as numerous journal articles he is the author of Sumptuary Specialists and Consumer Elites in Rome’s world order (2021).

Since 2007, the conferences organized under the title ‘Broadening Horizons’ have provided a regular venue for postgraduates and early career scholars in Ancient Near Eastern Studies. Three volumes present the proceedings of the 6th Broadening Horizons Conference, which took place at the Freie Universität Berlin from 24–28 June, 2019. The general theme, ‘Bridging the Gap: Disciplines, Times, and Spaces in Dialogue’, is aimed at encouraging communication and the development of multidisciplinary approaches to the study of material cultures and textual sources.
Volume 1 contains 17 papers from Session 1: Entanglement. Material Culture and Written Sources in Dialogue; Session 2: Integrating Sciences in Historical and Archaeological Research; and Session 5: Which Continuity? Evaluating Stability, Transformation, and Change in Transitional Periods.
About the Editors
Christian W. Hess (PhD Ancient Near Eastern Studies, 2013) is a research fellow at the Center of Advanced Studies ‘Rethinking Oriental Despotism’ at the Freie Universität Berlin. ;
Federico Manuelli (PhD Ancient Near Eastern Studies, 2011) is a researcher at the Institute of Heritage Science of the Italian National Research Council (ISPC-CNR) and a guest researcher at the Institut für Altorientalistik at the Freie Universität Berlin.

Providing a dedicated venue for new research on the early medieval frontiers and borderlands of the island of Britain, the Offa’s Dyke Journal (ODJ) is also the first and only open-access peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to the investigation of frontiers and borderlands in deep-time perspective. The journal’s remit spans detailed and original explorations into landscapes, earthworks, monuments and material culture. Exploring specific themes and issues in the archaeology, history and heritage of frontiers and borderlands in comparative and global perspective, ODJ is edited and produced under the auspices of the interdisciplinary research network, the Offa’s Dyke Collaboratory, and funded by the University of Chester and the Offa’s Dyke Association.
Each volume to date includes both original peer-reviewed work as well as ‘classics revisited’ papers. The latter are articles which have been re-edited, formatted and re-published with permission, often with revised and augmented maps and images. The aim is to make these works of enduring merit available to fresh audiences and accessible through an open-access digital format for the first time.
ODJ’s existing editorial board has been further enhanced by leading experts in relevant themes and debates central to the journal’s remit working across disciplines (see masthead for details). The editorial board will provide expert guidance and support for the editors as well as shape the direction of the journal into the future. Each issue is supported by the hard work of expert anonymous referees. Their invaluable evaluations of manuscripts have sustained the journal’s character and quality.
Table of Contents
Collaboratory through Crises: Researching Linear Monuments in 2021 – Howard Williams ;
Patrons, Landscape, and Potlatch: Early Medieval Linear Earthworks in Britain and Bulgaria – Paolo Squatriti ;
Offa’s Dyke: A Continuing Journey of Discovery – Keith Ray, Ray Bailey, Tim Copeland, Tudur Davies, Liam Delaney, Dick Finch, Niall Heaton, Jon Hoyle, Simon Maddison ;
Using Lidar Survey to Locate and Evaluate Offa’s Dyke – Liam Delaney ;
Offa’s Dyke in the Landscape: Comparative Size and Topographical Disposition as Indicators of Function – David A. Humphreys ;
Exploring Linear Earthworks across Time and Space: Introducing the ‘Monumentality and Landscape: Linear Earthworks in Britain’ Project – Nicky Garland, Barney Harris, Tom Moore and Andrew Reynolds ;
Rethinking Wat’s Dyke: A Monument’s Flow in a Hydraulic Frontier Zone – Howard Williams ;
What’s Wat’s Dyke? Wrexham Comic Heritage Trail – Howard Williams and John Swogger ;
Drawing the Line: What’s Wat’s Dyke? Practice and Process – John Swogger and Howard Williams

Stratton, Biggleswade: 1,300 years of village life in eastern Bedfordshire from the 5th century AD presents the results of 12 hectares of archaeological excavation undertaken between 1990 and 2001. As well as uncovering roughly half of the medieval village, the investigations revealed that Stratton’s origins stretched back to the early Anglo-Saxon period, with the settlement remaining in continuous use through to c. 1700. In contrast to many of the other major excavations of Anglo-Saxon settlements, the evidence from Stratton provides insights into the lives of a low-status rural community, whose development can be traced over the course of more than a millennium. This book presents a chronological account of Stratton’s development; evidence for its economy, trading relations, industrial activities and agricultural landscape; and a discussion of how people lived and died there before the village was finally extinguished by the creation of the classic estate landscape of Stratton Park.
About the Authors
Drew Shotliff is Operations Manager at Albion Archaeology. He holds a BA in Modern History from Oxford University and an MA in Archaeological Practice from Birmingham University. He was project manager for the excavations at Strattion. As well as considerable experience of British archaeology, he has worked on projects in France, Ecuador and Sri Lanka. ;
David Ingham is Archaeological Project Manager at Albion Archaeology. He holds an MA in Classics and an MSt In Professional Archaeology from Oxford University. He is the editor of Bedfordshire Archaeology as well as Secretary for CBA South Midlands and East Midlands.
This volume includes major contributions by contributions by Holly Duncan, Mark Maltby, Wendy Smith and Jackie Wells, with further contributions by Paul Courtney†, Gill Cruise, Vera Evison†, Rowena Gale, Andrew Harris, Harriet Jacklin, Teresa Jackman, Richard Macphail, Ed McSloy, Lisa Moffett, Quita Mould, Patrick Quinn and Mark Robinson.
Illustrations by David Ingham, Joan Lightning, Cecily Marshall, Lisa Padilla and Mike Trevarthen

Funerary Practices in the Second Half of the Second Millennium BC in Continental Atlantic Europe presents a selection of essays dedicated to funerary practices from Belgium to the north of Portugal. It aims at filling gaps in the documentation and helping to better understand the relationships between these Atlantic regions during the Bronze Age. Our knowledge of the Atlantic Bronze Age has increased considerably over the last thirty years, but the current state of research varies from one region to another of Western Atlantic Europe, with a marked dichotomy between north and south. The volume not only highlights the cultural characteristics of those Atlantic regions that are poorly represented in European syntheses on the Bronze Age, but also establishes the long-term relationships, if any, that were maintained between the regions of the Southern Atlantic area and those of the Northern Atlantic area.
About the Editors
Laure Nonat is associate research member of the ITEM laboratory at the University of Pau and the Adour Region (France), and a member of the EcoPast Group at the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain). Her research focuses on the funerary world of the Bronze Age from northwest Spain to southwest France and combines archaeological and anthropological approaches, both cultural and biological. ;
M. Pilar Prieto-Martínez has been a lecturer at the University of Santiago de Compostela since 2010. She is a specialist in the recent prehistory of the Northwestern Iberian Peninsula and in archaeological ceramics from the Neolithic to the present. She was a visiting researcher at the University of Montreal in 2018-9 and currently leads research projects in ceramic archaeometry.
En français
La connaissance de l'âge du Bronze Atlantique s'est profondément accrue ces trente dernières années, mais l'état de la recherche actuel n'est pas homogène d'une région à l’autre de l’Europe atlantique occidentale. Il persiste encore des zones pour lesquelles une caractérisation culturelle demeure difficile à établir. Une dichotomie des connaissances entre le nord et le sud du domaine atlantique est particulièrement perceptible. Ainsi au nord, la documentation archéologique permet de définir aujourd'hui des cultures bien connues, dotées d'une identité marquée, comme par exemple celle de la culture Manche Mer du Nord (MMN), des Tumulus Armoricains, ou encore celle du Wessex pour le sud de l'Angleterre. Cependant, vers le sud, et au-delà du grand Centre-Ouest de la France et de la culture des Duffaits, énumérer les identités culturelles en présence consiste en un exercice beaucoup plus complexe. Sur la frange atlantique, des régions, comme le nord de la péninsule Ibérique ou l’extrême sud-ouest de la France, n'apparaissent encore que très faiblement dans les travaux d’échelle européenne. Notre objectif consiste donc - à travers ce volume de recueil de synthèses régionales dédié aux manifestations funéraires de la seconde moitié du IIe millénaire av. J.-C. de la Belgique au nord du Portugal, - à pallier ces lacunes documentaires et ainsi mieux comprendre les relations qui ont été entretenues par ces régions atlantiques au cours de l’âge du Bronze.

The Prehistoric Artefacts of Northern Ireland is the last in a trilogy of monographs, designed to provide a baseline survey of the prehistoric sites of Northern Ireland. The first monograph investigated prehistoric burial sites (Archaeopress 2014) and the second explored the sites of prehistoric life (Archaeopress 2018). Following the same format as its predecessors, this monograph considers the prehistoric artefacts that have been found in Northern Ireland. It begins with an overview of the current political landscape of Ireland, as the creation of two states in 1921 and the establishment of administrative systems unique to each jurisdiction have had profound consequences for Irish archaeology. It continues by providing background information on the history of prehistoric archaeology, an explanation of the classifications and methodology employed and a detailed inventory of sites in Northern Ireland where prehistoric artefacts have been found. Also included is a discussion about these artefacts in a wider context, illustrated with tables and distribution maps, a glossary, tables of radiocarbon dates and an extensive bibliography. The aim once again is to not only provide a basis for further research, but also to stimulate local interest in the prehistory of Northern Ireland and encourage others from further afield to appreciate the quality and diversity of its prehistoric landscape.
About the Authors
Harry Welsh is an archaeologist and historian. After retiring from the fire service in 2003, he worked as a field archaeologist within the commercial sector and at the Centre for Archaeological Fieldwork, Queens University Belfast. By 2006 he had achieved his Doctorate and a Master’s degree in archaeology. He has directed archaeological excavations and written numerous books and articles. He was Vice President of the Ulster Archaeological Society from 2009 to 2015 and Honorary Fieldwork Co-ordinator from 2004 until 2020. ;
June Welsh retired from a thirty-five year career in teaching in 2006 and focused upon her interests in history and archaeology. She has been a member of the field survey group of the Ulster Archaeological Society since its establishment in 2005 and has taken part in numerous excavations and surveys. She participated in a Royal Irish Academy research project on the prehistoric people of Ireland and has published many archaeological survey reports.

Alexandria Antiqua: A Topographical Catalogue and Reconstruction is an attempt to find a way through an archaeological labyrinth of fragmentary evidence. Taking into account the last two centuries of systematic research into the topography of the ancient city while integrating the latest discoveries, the volume aims to catalogue the archaeological sites in Alexandria, from the recordings of the French expedition (1798-99) to the present-day finds. The attempt is also made to reconstruct the urban layout and landscape at the time of the city’s Graeco-Macedonian foundation in the 4th century BC, and then through the successive changes which took place up to the Arab conquest in the 7th century AD. To this end, a holistic approach to topographic reconstruction is adopted, where material culture is studied in conjunction with the historical record. The results are displayed in AutoCAD maps and over 340 illustrations.
About the Author
Amr Abdo is a classical archaeologist and independent researcher. In 2019, he received his PhD with a cum laude distinction from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Catalonia). Since 2013, his research has focused on landscape archaeology and urbanism in antiquity, with a special focus on the topography of ancient Alexandria.

The Life and Works of Robert Wood (1717-1771) commemorates the Irish classicist and traveller on the 250th anniversary of his death and provides the general reader with a study that can be regarded as a source book for the fascinating life and career of a much-neglected figure in the realm of Irish eighteenth-century travels and antiquarianism. The book starts by setting the context of eighteenth-century travels to the east and then examines the primary sources emanating from Wood’s own eastern voyages, as well as the relevant literary sources available to him before, during, and after his travels. It then provides an extensive and much-needed biographical account of Robert Wood, with particular reference to his Irish and English patrons, before examining the main results of the second tour (1750-1751), namely his three pioneering books: Ruins of Palmyra (1753), Ruins of Balbec (1757), and The Original Genius of Homer (1775). It ends by considering the enormous legacy of Robert Wood, in terms of the popularity of his books; the variety and quality of portraits commissioned by his friends and associates; his contribution to the study of classical literature; his influence on architectural drawing in late eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Europe; and the cultural significance of his work on building design. The text also reflects on the somewhat questionable nature of his works, in terms of the fact that his second voyage of the east, and the entire production of the first two books, were financed by his friend Dawkins, whose wealth derived from a slave plantation in Jamaica.
About the Authors
Rachel Finnegan has a BA in Classics from Trinity College Dublin and a PhD in Classics from the National University of Ireland, is a is a member of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, and has written widely on the subject of the Grand Tour, especially the Irish experience in the east. Her publications include a monograph on the Divan Club, a threevolume edition of the hitherto unpublished travel correspondence of Richard Pococke, several articles on the 2nd and 3rd Earls of Bessborough, and two books with Brill on English explorers in the east. ;
Lynda Mulvin has a BA, an MLitt and a PhD from Trinity College Dublin and an MArchSc from the University of Louvain. She is Professor of Art History at UCD and is a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries (2018). Her special interests are Classical Antiquity & Reception Studies; Late Antique to Medieval; and Architectural Conservation. Her monograph on Irish architect James Cavanah Murphy (1760-1814) is forthcoming (Brill 2022).