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H 276 x W 203 mm

108 pages

42 figures, 8 tables (colour throughout)

Published Mar 2021

Archaeopress Access Archaeology


Paperback: 9781789699302

Digital: 9781789699319

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Lothian; Iron Age; Enclosure; White Castle; Topography; Geophysical survey; Excavation

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This book describes the results of a four-year research programme of archaeological works (2010-3), at the later prehistoric enclosure of White Castle, East Lothian. The excavations demonstrated a clear sequence of enclosure development over time, whereby the design and visual impact often appeared to be more important than defence alone.



1. Abstract ;
2. Introduction ;
3. Study Area ;
4. White Castle Location ;
5. Archaeological Background ;
6. Research Questions ;
7. Methodology ;
8. Topographic and Geophysical Survey Results ;
9. Excavation Results ;
10. Post-excavation ;
11. Interpretation and Discussion ;
12. Conclusion ;
Acknowledgments ;
Bibliography ;
Map references ;
Appendix 1: Calibrated and uncalibrated dates from Enclosed sites in East Lothian

About the Author

David Connolly MCIfA, FSA Scot has had a long career in archaeology since 1981. Being one of the pioneers of buildings archaeology, land survey and a qualified drone pilot, he is always at the forefront of developing new techniques of archaeological recording. Since 1999, David devotes his time to running British Archaeological Jobs Resource (BAJR) and its fieldwork arm, CHC Heritage. ;

Dr Murray Cook, MA Hons, MCIfA FSA Scot is Stirling Council’s Archaeologist, an Honorary Research Fellow at Stirling University, and co-director of Rampart Scotland. ;

Hana Kdolska MA, MSc is a graduate of the University of Edinburgh; since 2015 she has participated and run archaeological projects in the UK and the Emirate of Ras al-Khaimah (UAE). In 2020, she joined BAJR and CHC Heritage as a co-director.