H 245 x W 174 mm
252 pages
Published Oct 2020
Paperback: 9781789695250
Digital: 9781789695267
Epigraphy; Lydia; Phrygia; Ritual purity; Religious transgressions; Morality
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By Aslak Rostad
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This book analyses pagan concepts of religious transgressions as expressed in Greek cultic regulations from the 5th century BC-3rd century AD. Also considered are so-called propitiatory inscriptions from the 1st-3rd century AD Lydia and Phrygia, in light of ‘cultic morality’, intended to make places, occasions, and worshippers suitable for ritual.
Foreword ;
Part 1. Introduction and Aims of the Study ;
Chapter 1. Introduction ;
Chapter 2. Aims of the study ;
Part 2. The Propitiatory Inscriptions ;
Chapter 3. The Propitiatory Inscriptions and their Religious Context ;
Chapter 4. Earlier Research on the Propitiatory Inscriptions ;
Part 3. Religious Transgressions and Punishments ;
Chapter 5. Greek Cultic Morality ;
Chapter 6. Prohibitions and Punishments in Greek Cultic Regulations ;
Chapter 7. Transgressions in the Propitiatory Inscriptions ;
Part 4. Conclusions ;
Chapter 8. Conclusions ;
Part 5. Appendices, Bibliography and Index Of Citation ;
Appendix A: Cultic Regulations ;
Appendix B: Propitiatory Inscriptions ;
Bibliography ;
Index of Citations