The Law of Treasure

By A.G. Guest

Contributions by Paul Matthews

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This book aims to provide a reliable guide to the Law of Treasure in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. It will be of vital interest and utility to metal detectorists in addition to archaeologists, museums, coroner’s offices, finds liaison officers, farmers and landlords’ associations.



Preface; Table of Cases; Table of Statutes; Table of Statutory Instruments; Chapter 1: Treasure Trove; Chapter 2: The Treasure Act 1996; Chapter 3: Searching for Artefacts; Chapter 4: Reporting Finds of Treasure and Non-Treasure Objects; Chapter 5: The Coroner; Chapter 6: Acquisition of Treasure by Museums; Chapter 7: Valuation of Treasure and Rewards; Chapter 8: Disclaimer of Treasure and Title; Appendix A. The Treasure Act 1996; Appendix B. The Treasure (Designation) Order 2002

About the Author

Professor Tony Guest is emeritus Professor of Law at King’s College, London. He has been the editor of a number of legal text books including Chitty on Contracts and Benjamin’s Sale of Goods and the author of Guest on Assignment. He has been assisted by Judge Paul Matthews who is a specialist Civil Circuit Judge (Chancery) and who was formerly HM Senior Coroner for the City of London. Judge Matthews is an honorary professor of law at King’s College and the editor of Jervis on Coroners.