H 250 x W 176 mm
306 pages
illustrated throughout with figures, tables, drawings, photographs
Published Jan 2010
Paperback: 9781905739295
Digital: 9781789698091
Edited by Patrick Sean Quinn
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This volume presents a range of petrographic case studies as applied to archaeological problems, primarily in the field of pottery analysis, i.e. ceramic petrography.
1) Henry Clifton Sorby (1826-1908) and the development of thin section petrography in Sheffield (Noel Worley) ;
2) The provenance potential of igneous glacial erratics in Anglo-Saxon ceramics from northern England (Rob Ixer & Alan Vince) ;
3) Technological insights into bell-beakers: a case study from the Mondego Plateau, Portugal (Ana Jorge) ;
4) Indigenous tableware production during the archaic period in western Sicily: new results from petrographic analysis (Giuseppe Montana, Anna Maria Polito & Ioannis Iliopoulos) ;
5) Petrographic & microstratigraphic analysis of mortar-based building materials from the temple of Venus, Pompeii (Rebecca Piovesan, Emmanuele Curti, Celestino Grifa, Lara Maritan & Claudio Mazzoli ;
6) Provenance & production technology of Early Bronze Age pottery from a lake-dwelling settlement at Arquà Petrarca, Padova, Italy (Lara Maritan, Claudio Mazzoli, Marta Tenconi, Giovanni Leonardi & Stefano Boaro) ;
7) Ceramic technology & social process in late neolithic Hungary (Attila Kreiter, György Szakmány & Miklós Kázmér ;
8) Early pottery technology & the formation of a technological tradition: the case of Theopetra Cave, Thessaly, Greece (Areti Pentedeka & Anastasia Dimoula) ;
9) Fine-grained Middle Bronze Age polychrome ware from Crete: combining petrographic & microstructural analysis (Edward W. Faber, Peter M. Day & Vassilis Kilikoglou ;
10) Pottery technology and regional exchange in Early Iron Age Crete (Marie-Claude Boileau, Anna Lucia d’Agata & James Whitley ;
11) The movement of Middle Bronze Age transport jars a provenance study based on petrographic and chemical analysis of Canaanite jars from Memphis, Egypt (Mary Ownby & Janine Bourriau) ;
12) Petrographic analysis of EB iii ceramics from Tall al-‘Umayri, Jordan: a re-evaluation of levels of production (Stanley Klassen) ;
13) Comparison of volcaniclastic-tempered Inca imperial ceramics from Paria, Bolivia with potential sources (Veronika Szilágyi & György Szakmány) ;
14) Multi-village specialized craft production & the distribution of Hokoham sedentary period pottery, Tuscon, Arizona (James M. Heidke) ;
15) A preliminary evaluation of the Verde confederacy model: testing expectations of pottery exchange in the central Arizona highlands (Sophia E. Kelly, David R. Abbott, Gordon Moore, Christopher Watkins & Caitlin Wichlacz) ;
16) Ceramic petrography & the reconstruction of hunter-gatherer craft technology in Late Prehistoric Southern California (Patrick Quinn & Margie Burton)