book cover

H 290 x W 205 mm

196 pages

129 figures, 13 tables (colour throughout)

Published May 2025

Archaeopress Archaeology


Paperback: 9781803279831

Digital: 9781803279848

DOI 10.32028/9781803279831

Recommend to a librarian

Archaeology; Interdisciplinary Studies; Ancient Israel; Galilee; Margada; Taricheae; Judaism; Mikwa'ot

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Ancient Magdala: Archaeological Excavations (2010-2017)

Volume I: Daily life, First interpretations

Edited by Marcela Zapata-Meza


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This volume presents the Magdala Archaeological Project's findings, including the history of Magdala, the 2009 synagogue discovery, and analyses of archaeological materials. It covers aspects of life in Magdala, such as fragrances, medicines, fishing tools, and unique objects, offering insights from the late Hellenistic to Late Roman periods.



The Magdala Archaeological Project 2010-2017 

Introduction: Magdala Archaeological Project. A Brief Reflection – Marcela Zapata-Meza

Historiography: History of Expeditions and Historical Context – Rosaura Sanz-Rincón

A Study of Magdala’s First Synagogue: Identification Layout, and Context of the Synagogue Discovered in 2009 – Jordan J. Ryan with Marcela Zapata-Meza

Fragrances, Medicines, and Colours in Ancient Magdala – Ma. Luisa Vázquez de Ágredos Pascual, Cristina Expósito de Vicente

Chalk Vessels Found at Magdala: The Finds and Their Ritual Context – Yonatan Adler

The Animal Economy of Migdal – Miriam Pines

Magdala Metal Finds and Their Metallurgy – J.A. Shapiro and S. Shalev

Introduction to the Typological Study of Metal Artifacts Recovered from the Archaeological Site at Magdala – Marco Antonio Cervera Obregón

Preliminary Study of a Roman Sword from the Archaeological Site of Magdala, Israel – Marco Antonio Cervera Obregón

Intaglio with an Inscription from Magdala (Israel) – Pablo Ozcáriz-Gil

Rhodian Stamp ΔΑΜΟΚΡΑΤΗΣ I – Manel García Sánchez

Preserving Magdala’s Heritage: Insights from the Conservation of Ancient Plasters – Gonzalo Sieiro Ortega

About the Author

Marcela Zapata-Meza is a prominent Mexican archaeologist specialising in biblical archaeology and the historical study of ancient Israel. She is director of the Magdala Archaeological Project and professor at the Universidad Anáhuac México. Zapata-Meza’s interdisciplinary approach integrates archaeology, history and biblical texts, offering significant insights into the life and culture of ancient Jewish communities. Her contributions extend beyond academia, engaging the public through lectures, publications and media appearances, at the same time helping to raise the international profile of Mexican archaeology.
