book cover

H 276 x W 203 mm

352 pages

165 figures, 1 table

dut text

Published May 2025



Paperback: 9781803279756

Digital: 9781803279763

DOI 10.32028/9781803279756

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Art history; Album Amicorum; Elisabeth de Bièvre; John Onians; Ernst Gombrich; Martin Kemp; Whitney Davis; Yiqiang Cao; World Art; Geography of Art; Neuroarthistory; Neuroscience; Neuroaesthetics; European Art; Dutch Art; Classical Art

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Art LoVers: Celebrating Elisabeth de Bièvre and John Onians in Words and Pictures

Edited by Gyöngyvér Horváth, Isabelle Onians


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This double Festschrift honors art historians Elisabeth de Bièvre and John Onians on their 55th wedding anniversary. It features personal and professional tributes, artworks, and scholarly articles, highlighting their innovative contributions to World Art Studies, geography of art, and neuroarthistory.



Editors’ introduction

Part I

1. A visual homage to the clay stoves in drokpa black tents in Tibet – Diane Barker

2. An evening with John Onians and Elisabeth de Bièvre at the Tchorek-Bentall Studio, Smolna 36, Warszawa, May 2011 – Katy Bentall

3. Elisabeth de Bièvre and John Onians – Eric Fernie and Lorraine Fernie

4. The road to the south – Barbara Hyde

5. Holland v England / Things you learn at UEA – Will Kemp

6. The ballad of John and Diccon – Diccon Masterman

7. I’d love… / Only a few steps – Robert Short

Tutto intorno – Stephanie Morin

8. Wheels – Juliet Wimhurst

9. Towards the art of writing about art – Nazneen Zafar

The Bees and Buds – Hubert Decleer

Part II

10. Tea in Bowthorpe or Mariusz’ architecture – Elisabeth de Bièvre

11. Our first encounter with the Onians – Shareen Blair Brysac

12. D’une génération à l’autre, une amitié de plus de 60 ans! – Blandine Bril

13. Embracing diversity: Elisabeth de Bièvre and John Onians in China – Yiqiang Cao

14. On John Onians’s 80th birthday. Remembering his contribution to the Clark Art Institute as founding director of its research and academic program 1997–99 – Michael Conforti

15. Jumping the frame: eco-stylistics from Norwich – Wilfried van Damme

16. Loyalty – David Freedberg

17. Calmes blocs – Daniela Gallo and Philippe Sénéchal

18. The enlightened house – Derek Gillman and Yael Hirsch

19. Outstanding analyses of architecture: Bearers of Meaning, 1988 – Maria Fabricius Hansen

20. The indefinite object – Edward S. Harwood and Joanne Pillsbury

21. ‘Neither trendy nor traditional’: John Onians at the Clark – Charles ‘Mark’ W. Haxthausen

22. Hakuju or White Age Celebration – Harume Hayashi

23. John and Elisabeth – Mary Hollingsworth

24. The story of my PhD with John and Elisabeth – Gyöngyvér Horváth

25. Elisabeth de Bièvre – Maura Kehoe Collins

26. Woman Descending the Staircase: synchronicity, chance and mystery – Jetty Keuning and Jan Eric Visser

27. On John Onians, with thanks – Matthew MacKisack

28. Publishing de Bièvre, E., and Onians, J. – Gillian Malpass

29. Elisabeth and John – Marie-Anne van der Marck

30. The Groves of Norwich – 43 Grove Terrace – Stefan Muthesius

31. An inquisitive irreverence – Keith Roberts

32. ‘The Ubiquity of Aesthetics,’ ALCS Postgraduate Colloquium – Adam Sammut

33. De wijk en de wereld: a marriage for the universe – Gary Schwartz and Loekie Schwartz

34. Visiting with John and Elisabeth – John Thoburn and June Thoburn

35. Arboreal concatenations. A Quercus cerris for John and Elisabeth in Little Mesopotamia – Thomas Tuohy

36. Art history with an art historian couple: John Onians and Elisabeth de Bièvre – Mohsen Veysi

Drawings – Elena Nesi

37. John the encourager – Adam Zeman

Part III

38. Variations on a theme of phantasia: a tribute to John Onians – Michael A. Arbib

39. Margins in foreign guise: thoughts on some ornamentation in British Library Add. 27261. – Barbara Brend

40. The ‘Solomonic windows’ of Stirling Chapel Royal: connections between Scotland and the Netherlands – Ian Campbell

41. The groundline: a brief phenomenology – Whitney Davis

About the Author

Gyöngyvér Horváth is an art historian, curator and independent researcher. She obtained her doctorate degree from the School of World Art Studies and Museology, University of East Anglia, Norwich, 2011. She is now an independent researcher and her main research focuses on the phenomenon of visual narration and pictorial storytelling. She has published on various topics related to Renaissance and Early Modern painting and book illustration, Hungarian modernism, and contemporary art.

Isabelle Onians was a founding member of the Clay Sanskrit Library team, preparing bilingual editions and translations of Sanskrit literature. In addition to managing and co-editing the whole series, her own volume is a 7th-century coming-of-age novel (NYUP 2005). Since 2009 she has directed a World Learning SIT Study Abroad experiential learning centre in Kathmandu, Nepal, for graduate and undergraduate students from US universities studying Tibetan and Himalayan civilisations.
