book cover

H 290 x W 205 mm

428 pages

333 figures, 11 tables, 30 plates (colour throughout)

Published May 2025

Archaeopress Archaeology


Paperback: 9781803278254

Digital: 9781803278261

DOI 10.32028/9781803278254

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This volume presents 23 papers that offer insights into aspects of creation, manufacture and processing in antiquity, viewing craftsmen and artists in their socio-cultural and geopolitical setting. New finds from Greece, North Africa, the Black Sea, Italy and Central Europe provide a trigger for discussion.



List of Figures  


Chapter 1: ΕΡΓΑΣΤΗΡΙΑ: Premises and Processes of Creation in Antiquity. An introduction Elena C. Partida and Constanze Graml


Α spatial approach to workplaces: Urban, religious, littoral context

Chapter 2: Tales from the workshop and normative beauty Gerhard Zimmer

Chapter 3: Craft production and nuisance in the ancient Greek city: Spatial and functional approaches to urban industrial activities Giorgos M. Sanidas

Chapter 4: Dyeworks network around the Gulf of Corinth: A specialised seaside textile workshop in Late Classical-Hellenistic Helike Dora Katsonopoulou

Chapter 5: Workplaces in the southern sacred area at Olbia Pontica Alla V. Bujskikh

Chapter 6: Handicraft activities in the small town of Fanum Martis (Famars, northern France): analysing and interpreting spatial organisation and production size Raphaël Clotuche, Sonja Willems, Jean-Hervé Yvinec, Marie Derreumeaux, Jennifer Clerget, Nicolas Tisserand, Bérangère Fort and Gaëtan Jouanin

Chapter 7: Evocations of Apollo in northern Gaul and craftsmen engaged in his representation: The example of Fanum Martis Raphaël Clotuche and Damien Censier (with the collaboration of Sabine Groetembril)


Workshops related to quarries and sculpture

Chapter 8: Ancient Greek quarries: installations and workshops – extraction and sculpture techniques – Georgia Kokkorou-Alevras

Chapter 9: New evidence about the exploitation of Nisyrian millstone lava and its use in nisyrian workshops in antiquity Eirene A. Poupaki

Chapter 10: Heracles rock reliefs at quarries and construction sites in Roman Greece: An interpretative approach Georgios Doulfis

Chapter 11: Roman calcite alabasters in Tunisia Ameur Younès

Chapter 12: All about marble carving? In search of craftspeople of polychromy in the ancient Roman sculpture workshop Amalie Skovmøller


In the ateliers of potters and coroplasts

Chapter 13: The ‘Cracking the Code’ project: Stamna’s pithoi workshops – unveiling pottery heritage Gioulika Christakopoulou and Helene Simoni

Chapter 14: The coroplast’s workshop and its production: Reflecting on the craft practices of the archaic πλάστης in Magna Graecia – Eukene Bilbao Zubiri

Chapter 15: Localisation, distribution and nature of pottery production of the fourth-century BC ceramic workshops in Ano Petralona, Athens: A synthesis of the available archaeological evidence Marilena Kontopanagou

Chapter 16: Local knowledgescapes in pottery production: A new heuristic approach to the Iron Age pottery workshops between the Arno Valley and the Po Plain Raffaella Da Vela


Construction sites, open-air workshops and building workforce

Chapter 17: Athenian architecture abroad in the fifth century: Fashion or imperialism? Jacques des Courtils

Chapter 18: More on Athenian architecture abroad: Xanthos as a case study – Laurence Cavalier

Chapter 19: Contextualizing the scaffold: Workspace within cult space and the dynamics of construction sites at Delphi – Elena C. Partida

Chapter 20: Building procedures of the fortification at Kastraki on Milesian Agathonisi: Quarrying and construction sites as o

About the Author

Elena C. Partida is a Research Archaeologist at the Hellenic Ministry of Culture. She leads interdisciplinary studies on the architecture and sculpture of the Graeco-Roman world with emphasis on ancient Greek sanctuaries, the archaeology of Delphi, Achaea and Paros. Author of museum and open-air exhibitions, she is a member of the Campana Reliefs Network, co-director of the architectural investigation of the Temple of Zeus at Lebadea, and co-editor of the collective volume Listening to the Stones (Archaeopress 2019).


Constanze Graml is currently a Lecturer on Classical Archaeology at the universities of Regensburg and Gießen, Germany. Her research interests centre on ancient Greek religion, sacred landscapes and digital archaeology, and she is currently conducting a study on the rock-cut reliefs of Philippi, ancient Macedon. She is a member of the Trochoeides Network on the study of the archaeology of pre-Classical Athens and co-editor of the associated conference proceedings Rethinking Athens before the Persian Wars (2019).
