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H 245 x W 174 mm

142 pages

135 figures, 15 tables (colour throughout)

Published Nov 2023

Archaeopress Archaeology


Paperback: 9781803276427

Digital: 9781803276434

DOI 10.32028/9781803276427

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Lithics; Flint; Jet; Neolithic; Bronze Age; North York Moors

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By Keith Boughey

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Geoffrey Taylor and David Heys, over a 25 year period, amassed a huge amount of prehistoric material in flint, jet, stone, glass and metal, gathered mostly off the North York Moors. The present book aims to introduce the collections to the archaeological world and to give the reader a clear impression of their contents.





Chapter 1: The Geoffrey Taylor and David Heys Collections


Geoffrey Taylor

David Heys

Archive Access

Collecting Areas

South and West North York Moors – Prehistoric Setting

Locations of sites

Identification of sites


Recording and Illustration


Chapter 2: Databases and Identification


Identification of individual lithics

Analysis of the Taylor and Heys Collections


Chapter 3: Featured Artefacts and Artefact Groups

Discoidal knives (Keith Boughey and Alison Sheridan)

Arran pitchstone


Bronze axehead/axehead ingot



Jet/Jet-like artefacts


Chapter 4: Excavations

South and West Region (Early Bronze Age Excavations 1–3)

Excavation 1 (Low Paradise Wood, Boltby)

Excavation 2 (Dialstone Farm)

Excavation 3 (Murton Common)

Central Region (Mesolithic Excavations)

‘Pointed Stone’ and Money Howe


South Haw, Masham Moor and Round Hill, Blubberhouses Moor




Appendix 1: Databases

Appendix 2: Database of jet and jet-like items

Appendix 3: Locations of Sites

Appendix 4: Figures & Photographs

Appendix 5: Taylor Diaries 1–4 (1983–1997)

Appendix 6: Battle-axeheads from Yorkshire

Appendix 7: Lincolnshire



About the Author

Keith Boughey is a member of the Yorkshire Archaeological and Historical Society Prehistory Research Section and has been the editor of its journal, Prehistoric Yorkshire, since 2005. From 2008 to 2013 he directed the Stanbury Hill Project and is co-author of The Stanbury Hill Project: Archaeological Investigation of a Rock Art Site (2012). Other publications include Prehistoric Rock Art of the West Riding (with E.A. Vickerman, 2003), Prehistoric Bingley (2013), and Life and Death in Prehistoric Craven (2015).
