H 245 x W 174 mm
208 pages
27 figures and 17 tables (colour throughout)
Published Dec 2023
Paperback: 9781803275772
Digital: 9781803275789
Recipe books; Experimental Archaeology; Cosmetics; Body Care; Medicine; Technical Knowledge
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Edited by Javier López Rider
This book compiles a series of works on cosmetics and health care, covering different geographical areas of Europe. The studies also focus on different cultures, with some chapters dedicated to the Hebrew sphere, others to the Muslim world, and a larger percentage dealing with Christian society.
Cosmética, salud y belleza en la medicina hebrea medieval – Meritxell Blasco Orellana
Obras maestras de la farmacología andalusí – Ana María Cabo-González
Galen’s impact: wound treatment in De compositione medicamentorum per genera and beyond – Manuela Marai
Trading beauty. Commerce and cosmetic recipes in medieval and early modern ages – Rafael María Girón Pascual and Javier López Rider
El negocio del bienestar: una cuenta de farmacia del siglo XVI – Efrén de la Peña Barroso
Serving the Eye, Serving the Soul: Religion and Healing in Georg Bartisch’s Ophthalmodouleia (1583) – Wenrui Zhao
Manducare irrationabiliter: pica o apetito irracional en los textos médicos latinos medievales – Victoria Recio Muñoz
Mantenersi in salute nell’Alto Medioevo: Il ruolo terapeutico dell’esercizio fisico nel Manuale medico di Paolo di Nicea – Irene Calà
Restaurar la salud: Recetas para enfermos y remedios en los libros de cocina mexicanos de los siglos XVIII y XIX – Susana Phelts Ramos
The Health of Body and Soul in the Monastic Tradition – Gabriele Archetti
Ricettari per la bellezza e per la cura femminile – Simona Gavinelli
Immagini, ricette e salute nei Tacuina sanitati – Francesca Stroppa
Dieta y alimentación desde el Medievo hasta la Modernidad: el caso del Castillo de Torreparedones (Baena, Córdoba) – Alejandro Beltrán Ruiz, José A. Riquelme Cantal and Juan Manuel Garrido Anguita
Javier López Rider is Lecturer in Medieval History at the University of Cordoba, Spain, member of the Meridies Research Group (HUM 128) and Director of Research Project 1381195-R. Recetarios, Experimentación y Ciencia. Los cuidados del cuerpo en la Edad Media y su aplicación en el siglo XXI, of the European Regional Development Fund and Ministry of Economy and Knowledge of the Andalusian Regional Government. He has published two books and over 30 articles and studied as a visiting scholar in Oxford, Rome, Newcastle and Florence.