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H 297 x W 210 mm

186 pages

90 figures, 13 tables (colour throughout)

Published Jul 2023

Archaeopress Archaeology


Paperback: 9781803275253

Digital: 9781803275260

DOI 10.32028/9781803275253

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Funerary archaeology; South-East Europe; Central Europe; Prehistory; Roman; Medieval; Cremation; Cause of Death; Time of Death

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Papers focus on two central topics regarding past funerary behaviour in Central and South-Eastern Europe: cremation, and cause and time of death. Six studies relate to prehistory, from the Neolithic to Iron Age. Three more papers focus on the Roman Age and the other four are dedicated to the Medieval period.



Foreword ;

Neolithic and the sacred fire – Sanda Băcueţ Crişan and Corina Bejinariu ;

Burned bones from the Late Neolithic Hamangia cemetery from Cernavodă, Romania – Raluca Kogălniceanu and Angela Simalcsik ;

The times of their death – question of contemporaneity in burials from a Late Neolithic settlement in Polgár– Csőszhalom (NE Hungary) – Alexandra Anders and Zsuzsanna Siklósi ;

A ditch in time: A bioarchaeological analysis of the human skeletal remains discovered at Alba Iulia – Lumea Nouă (Romania) – Mihai Gligor, Kirsty McLeod, Ana Fetcu and Călin Şuteu ;

Landscape of the living and landscape of the dead. Long barrows: fire in the mortuary practices of Funnel Beaker culture communities in the Polish Lowland – Andrzej Pelisiak ;

Early Iron Age burials at Gelmar (Hunedoara County, Romania) – Gabriel Bălan, Adrian Bolog, Cristian Dima, Silviu Popa, Daniel Tentiş and Andrei Soficaru ;

Mors immatura. The causes of death in inscriptions from the Roman Empire – Alexander Rubel ;

The critical years of life: Censorinus on the right time of death – Kai Brodersen ;

Osteoarchaeological study of cremation burials from the Roman period necropolis of Zadar: taphonomy, demography and pathology – Mario Novak and Smiljan Gluščević ;

Meeting a medieval community of Bizere Monastery: lifestyle, occupation and nutritional status – Luminița Andreica-Szilágyi ;

Disappearance of grave goods: changes in burial practices in 14th century Ivanec, Croatia – Juraj Belaj and Filomena Sirovica ;

Can the position of the forearms serve as a dating determinant in medieval and early modern cemeteries on the territory of the northern Croatia? – Siniša Krznar ;

Coin finds at Crkvari – Saint Lawrence Church site (northern Croatia) as terminus ante quem non for funerary features – Tatjana Tkalčec

About the Author

Raluca Kogălniceanu is an archaeologist at the Institute of Archaeology in Bucharest, Romania, with an interest in prehistory, burial customs and spatial analysis.

Mihai Gligor is Professor at the University in Alba Iulia, Romania, focussing on Central and South-Eastern European prehistory, funerary archaeology, archaeometry and experimental archaeology.

Andrei Soficaru is a senior researcher at ‘Fr. I. Rainer’ Institute of Anthropology, Bucharest, Romania. He is PhD coordinator at the University in Alba Iulia, and his research interests centre on osteoarchaeology, paleopathology, migration and demography of ancient populations, and aDNA.

Susan Stratton is an archaeological consultant at Archaeology Wales with a PhD on Neolithic and Copper Age burial practices in south-east Europe.