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H 245 x W 174 mm

188 pages

39 figures (colour throughout)

Published Sep 2022



Paperback: 9781803273242

Digital: 9781803273259

DOI 10.32028/9781803273242

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(Trans)missions: Monasteries as Sites of Cultural Transfers

By Monika Brenišínová

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This volume focuses on the Catholic tradition of consecrated life (vita religiosa) from the High Middle Ages to the present. It gathers papers by authors from various disciplinary backgrounds, in particular art history, history, anthropology and translation studies.



Introduction – Monika Brenišínová and Markéta Křížová ;

Chapter I: Sola Superbia Destruit Omnia The Female Monster in Liber Depictus as a Polysemantic Image of the Spiritual Malformation and the Fallen World – Daniela Rywiková ;

Chapter II: Who Was the Reader of the Passional of the Abbess Kunigonde? Passion Imagery and Devotion in St George Monastery at the Prague Castle – Lenka Panušková ;

Chapter III: Benedictine St George’s Monastery at the Prague Castle as a Crossroad of Medieval Cultural Trends and Ideas – Renáta Modráková ;

Chapter IV: Picturing Monasteries. 16th Century New Spain Monastic Architecture as Site Of Religious Processions – Monika Brenišínová ;

Chapter V: The Monastic Translation Seen Through the Current Perspective – Jana Králová ;

Chapter VI: The Prologues of the Spanish Dominican Translators as the Main Ideas for Reflection on Translation Theory – Antonio Bueno ;

Chapter VII: Other Time: Construction of Temporality in Monasteries of Benedictine tradition – Barbora Spalová and Jan Tesárek ;

Sources, Forms and Functions of Monastic Historiography of the Early Modern Age in the Czech Lands (2014-2016) – Jan Zdichynec ;

Monastic Itineraries – Kateřina Charvátová and Radka Ranochová ;

Contributors ;


About the Author

Monika Brenišínová is a staff member of the Center for Ibero-American Studies of Charles University. She specializes in the history of Latin America art, conquest and colonization of the Americas, Native cultures and their evangelization. She is the author of various articles and chapters, the co-author of the monograph entitled Dějiny umění Latinské Ameriky [History of Art of Latin America], 2018 and the co-editor of the monograph Nuevos mundos: América y la utopía entre espacio y tiempo, 2021. She is currently the principal investigator of the project Hidden History: Representation of Women in the Era of Conquest and Colonization of the New World, 2022-2024.


Overall, (Trans)Missions is a very welcome publication for the reconstruction of the perception of the importance of monasteries and convents for the preservation of knowledge and the exchange of knowledge in the Middle Ages and the early modern period, which was suppressed by the Enlightenment and subsequent civil society.’ [translated] — Thomas Freller (2024): Journal for East Central European Studies
