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H 290 x W 205 mm

362 pages

205 figures, 91 tables (colour throughout)

Published Jun 2021

Archaeopress Archaeology


Paperback: 9781789699364

Digital: 9781789699371

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Medieval; Northampton; Quarry; Ironstone; Excavations; British Archaeology

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This volume presents the results of archaeological investigations undertaken at a building site in Northampton in 2014. The location was of interest as it lay opposite the former medieval hospital of St. John, which influenced the development of this area of the town.



List of illustrations ;
List of tables ;
Contributors ;
Acknowledgements ;
Summary ;
Chapter 1: Introduction ;
Chapter 2: The archaeological evidence ;
Chapter 3: Finds reports ;
Chapter 4: Faunal and environmental evidence ;
Chapter 5: Discussion ;


'This very well-produced and highly informative volume reports chiefly on medieval deposits and sequences excavated in Northampton’s southern intramural zone, close to the Hospital and chapel of St John founded c 1140 and south of the Norman town’s central All Saints market. Prominent findings relate to quarrying for ironstone in the 12th century – to supply both city walls and hospital – plus industrial units, notably a bone- and ivory-carving workshop and a maltster’s complex.' – Neil Christie (2022): Medieval Archaeology, 66/2

‘Finalement, … une grande rigueur d’analyse, qui répond à celle de l’intervention de terrain guidée par des objectifs clairement définis … Il s’agit même d’un ouvrage quelque peu austère en raison de la nature des observations qui relèvent du caractère banal de la vie urbaine … qui ont été identifiées. … C’est dans cette normalité que réside l’intérêt de cet ouvrage qui donne à voir les résultats solides d’une opération archéologique de qualité dans une ville médiévale d’Europe de l’Ouest comme il en a existé des milliers. Les archéologues français comme du reste de l’Europe confrontés à ce même type d’occupation y trouveront de nombreux points de comparaison.’ [translated: Ultimately, there is … a great rigor of analysis, which corresponds to the fieldwork approach guided by clearly defined objectives… This is even a somewhat austere work due to the nature of the observations, which pertain to the mundane aspects of urban life … which have been identified. … It is in this normality that the value of this work lies, as it presents the solid results of a quality archaeological operation in a medieval town in Western Europe, similar to thousands of others that have existed. French archaeologists, as well as those from the rest of Europe, facing this same type of occupation, will find many points of comparison.] Elisabeth Lorans (2024): Cahiers de civilisation médiévale
