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H 276 x W 203 mm

314 pages

143 figures, 52 tables

Published Nov 2020

Archaeopress Access Archaeology


Paperback: 9781789697964

Digital: 9781789697971

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Pre-Columbian; Pre-Tarascan; Michoacán; West Mexico; Societal change

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Paris Monographs in American Archaeology 53

El Palacio: Historiography and new perspectives on a pre-Tarascan city of northern Michoacán, Mexico

Edited by Marion Forest

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11 contributions consider legacy and archive data (1896–1995) and results derived from recent archaeological investigations (2012–2017) to present a review and analysis of the chrono-stratigraphy, material culture, urbanism, and economic and ritual practices at El Palacio, northern Michoacán, Mexico, between A.D. 850 and 1521.



Introduction – Marion Forest ;
1. Carl Lumholtz in Michoacán – Seonaid Valiant ;
2. Arqueología en El Palacio: Antecedentes 18961995 – Marion Forest ;
3. Siete años de investigación en El Palacio (20102017): Evolución urbanística y nuevos elementos cronológicos – Jadot & Marion Forest ;
4. Architecture and urbanism at El Palacio – Marion Forest ;
5. Las vasijas de cerámica del final del Epiclásico y del Posclásico temprano: tipología, tecnología y función – Elsa Jadot ;
6. Artefactos cerámicos y otros pequeños objetos – Elsa Jadot & Juliette Testard ;
7. La obsidiana del sitio Mich. 23 “El Palacio” – Véronique Darras ;
8. Un acercamiento diacrónico a la economía animal en El Palacio – Aurélie Manin ;
9. ¿Trofeos de guerra o instrumentos musicales? El conjunto de huesos humanos trabajados encontrado por Carl Lumholtz en El Palacio – Grégory Pereira ;
10. Evidencias de cremación en el sitio de El Palacio, Zacapu, Michoacán – Grégory Pereira & Isaac Barrientos Juárez ;
11. Population structure of El Palacio based on dental morphological data – Corey S. Ragsdale ;
Concluding words: An archaeology of continuity and change at El Palacio – Marion Forest

About the Author

Marion Forest received her PhD in archaeology from the University Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne and is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Anthropology of Brigham Young University. She specializes in urbanization processes in western and central Mexico. Her current research includes a survey and excavation field project at Teotihuacan and further developments in the integration of LiDAR data in archaeology.


El Palacio is valuable for specialists on West Mexico, but such readable and well-illustrated examples of so many methods and techniques would be highly satisfying for others too. The balance of content and the chapters’ lengths and level of detail are very nicely judged.
