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H 290 x W 205 mm

106 pages

Published Aug 2021

Archaeopress Archaeology


Paperback: 9781789697216

Digital: 9781789697223

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Data; Databases; Digital Archaeology; Neoprocessual Archaeology; Theoretical Archaeology

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Big Data and Archaeology

Proceedings of the XVIII UISPP World Congress (4-9 June 2018, Paris, France) Volume 15, Session III-1

Edited by François Djindjian, Paola Moscati

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The advent of Big Data is a recent and debated issue in Digital Archaeology. Papers consider the historiographic context and current developments, as well as comprehensive examples of a multidisciplinary and integrative approach to the recording, management and exploitation of excavation data and documents produced over a long period of research.



Introduction au volume – François Djindjian, Paola Moscati ;

Mégadonnées et archéologie : une introduction – François Djindjian ;

How Big Is Big Data? – Paola Moscati ;

Les statistiques et l’analyse spatiale des sites archéologiques sont à notre portée – Olivier Buchsenschutz ;

Innovative multidisciplinary method using Machine Learning to define human behaviors and environments during the Caune de l’Arago (Tautavel, France) Middle Pleistocene occupations – Sophie Grégoire, Nicolas Boulbes, Bernard Quinio, Matthieu Boussard, Caroline Chopinaud, Anne-Marie Moigne, Agnès Testu, Vincenzo Celiberti, Cédric Fontaneil, Christian Perrenoud, Anne-Sophie Lartigot Campin, Thibaud Saos, Tony Chevalier, Véronique Pois, Henry de Lumley, Marie-Antoinette de Lumley, Antoine Harfouche, Rolande Marciniack, Philippe Carrez, Thierry Hervé ;

Cagny-l’Épinette (Somme Valley, France), Thirty Years of Mixed Data: Potential and Limits – Floriane Peudon, Éric Masson, Patrick Auguste, Agnès Lamotte, Anne-Marie Moigne, Alain Tuffreau ;

Towards an Archaeological Information System: the evolution of Syslat, an archaeological data management software – Réjane Roure, Hakima Manseri, Sébastien Munos, Michel Py ;

L’archéologie néoprocessuelle – François Djindjian ;

Transcending ‘Technocomplexes’. When French Empiricism calls for Hypothetico-deductive Method – Pascaline Gaussein

About the Author

François Djindjian is ancien professeur at the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne (chair of archaeological methods and theory) and associate member of the CNRS UMR 7041. He is President of the International Union for Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences (UISPP), member of the executive committee of the International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences (CIPSH) of Unesco, and delegate member of the International Academic Union (UAI). ;

Paola Moscati is research director at the Institute of Heritage Science of the National Research Council of Italy. As an archaeologist, specialised in computer applications in archaeology, she is Vice President of the UISPP Commission IV, editor in chief of the international journal ‘Archeologia e Calcolatori’ and scientific coordinator of the international project ‘The Virtual Museum of Archaeological Computing’, jointly promoted with the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei.