book cover

H 290 x W 205 mm

544 pages

Illustrated throughout in colour and black & white

Published Nov 2019

Archaeopress Archaeology


Paperback: 9781789693775

Digital: 9781789693782

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Greece; Sicily; Anatolia; Near East; Bronze Age; Classical; Roman; Late Roman; Ottoman

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Journal of Greek Archaeology 4

Journal of Greek Archaeology Volume 4 2019

Editor-in-Chief John Bintliff


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The fourth volume of the Journal of Greek Archaeology (JGA) is rich and varied in content. Geographically the articles range from Sicily via Greece to Anatolia and the Near East, while chronologically they extend from the Bronze Age to the Ottoman era.



Journal of Greek Archaeology Volume 4: Editorial - John Bintliff ;

Prehistory and Protohistory ;
The context and nature of the evidence for metalworking from mid 4th millennium Yali (Nissyros) - V. Maxwell, R. M. Ellam, N. Skarpelis and A. Sampson ;
Living apart together. A ceramic analysis of Eastern Crete during the advanced Late Bronze Age - Charlotte Langohr ;
The Ayios Vasileios Survey Project (Laconia, Greece): questions, aims and methods - Sofia Voutsaki, Corien Wiersma, Wieke de Neef and Adamantia Vasilogamvrou ;

Archaic to Hellenistic ;
The formation and development of political territory and borders in Ionia from the Archaic to the Hellenistic periods: A GIS analysis of regional space - David Hill ;
Multi-faceted approaches and interdisciplinary narratives - regional archaeologies in Akarnania and Olympia (Western Greece) - Franziska Lang ;
To include or exclude? Marginalization of the deformed in the Classical Greek World - Carrie L. Sulosky Weaver ;
Personified vulva, ritual obscenity, and Baubo - Aynur-Michèle-Sara Karatas ;
The Hellenistic koine as a linguistic and ceramic concept - Alexandros Laftsidis ;

Roman and Late Roman ;
The Roman aqueduct of Philippi - Anastasios Oulkeroglou†, Stratis Papadopoulos and Ioanna Giamali ;

Medieval and Post-Medieval ;
The materiality of death, the supernatural and the role of women in Late Antique and Byzantine times - Athanasios K. Vionis ;
Pietra Ollare: Alpine soapstone vessels in Byzantine Corinth - Rossana Valente ;
Byzantine Kastra in the Dark Ages: the case of Oria Kastro on Kythnos - Christianna Veloudaki ;
Archaeological approaches to the Islamic Emirate of Crete (820s-961 CE): a starting point - Matteo G. Randazzo ;

Multiperiod ;
Integrating geology into archaeology: the water supply of Piraeus in Antiquity - E.D. Chiotis ;
The potential of a terrace-wise economy: Hygassos’ agricultural heritage in the Hellenistic Rhodian Peraia (Bozburun Peninsula) - E. Deniz Oğuz-Kirca, Ioannis Liritzis, Volkan Demirciler and Volkan Demirciler ;

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