H 290 x W 205 mm
322 pages
Illustrated throughout in colour and black & white (128 colour plates)
Published Mar 2019
Paperback: 9781789691481
Digital: 9781789691498
Mauritania; Africa; Egypt; Cyprus; Palestine; Syria; Marina el-Alamein; Archaeology; Excavation; Conservation; Architecture; Interiors; Pottery; Ancient texts
Edited by Grazyna Bakowska-Czerner, Grażyna Bąkowska-Czerner, Rafal Czerner
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Papers present research from different regions ranging from ancient Mauritania, through Africa, Egypt, Cyprus, Palestine, Syria, as well as sites in Crimea and Georgia. Topics include: topography, architecture, interiors and décor, religious syncretism, the importance of ancient texts, pottery studies and conservation.
Preface; Greco-Roman Cities at the Crossroads of Cultures – Marina el-Alamein in Egypt – by Wiktor Andrzej Daszewski; Hermopolis Magna at the Crossroad of Cultures – by Marek Baranski; Marina el-Alamein, Greco-Roman Town in Egypt – by Grazyna Bakowska-Czerner and Rafal Czerner; The Roman Thermae in the Citadel of Chersonesus Taurica – by Andrzej B. Biernacki and Elena Klenina; Reconstruction of the Western Courtyard of the ‘Hellenistic House’ in Nea Paphos, Cyprus – by Aleksandra Brzozowska-Jawornicka; Gonio-Apsarus (Short History and Architectural Review) – by Lana Burkadze; Three Ancient Cities of North Africa and their Roman Baths: Tiddis, Timgad, Tipasa. Actual State of Preservation – by Maciej Czapski; Pottery from the Early Roman Rubbish Dumps in Berenike, Egypt. Notes on the Material from Trenches 96/14 and 107/15 – by Agnieszka Dzwonek; Roman Housing in Palmyra – by Michal Gawlikowski; Tell Farama (Pelusium). Roman City on the Mediterranean Coast – by Krzysztof Jakubiak; ‘Life after life’ of the House of Leukaktios after the Earthquake in 365 – by Elzbieta Jastrzebowska; The Greeks at Kom Wasit (Western Nile Delta), Egypt – by Mohamed Kenawi and Cristina Mondin; Survival or Revival? Urban and Architectural Change in Post-Classical Alexandria – by Grzegorz Majcherek; Egyptianising Motifs and Alexandrian Influences on Some Elements of Architectural Decoration from Mauretania Tingitana (Morocco) – by Niccolo Mugnai; Houses, Architectural Orders and Opera Sectilia: Some Reflections on the Society of Cyrenaica and Egypt During the Imperial Period – by Patrizio Pensabene and Eleonora Gasparini; Ptolemais and Apollonia. Some Remarks about the Planning and Functioning of Two Port Cities in Cyrenaica – by Monika Rekowska; Σαλμεσχοινιακά – by Alessandro Roccati; Diachronic Development of a Settlement in the Fayyum Region: Bakchias in Ptolemaic and Roman Times – by Ilaria Rossetti; Attitudes towards Mythological Statues at the Crossroads of Cultures and Religions in Late Antiquity: Alexandria and Beyond – by Carla Sfameni; Excavating Bethsaida/Julias. Archaeological Documentation of a Town on the Sea of Galilee – by Ilona Skupinska-Lovset; Public Toilets between Greece and Rome: A Neglected Aspect of the Roman Revolution – by Andrzej Wypustek; Some Aspects of Urban Space at Ptolemais in Cyrenaica – by Jerzy Zelazowski; Conservation; Restoration of the Osiride Statues of Hatshepsut in the Lower Portico of the Temple of Hatshepsut in Deir el-Bahari – by Teresa Dziedzic and Mariusz Caban; Description of Selected Building Conservation Works Carried Out in the Area of the Ancient Town of Antiphrae Situated at Present in Marina el-Alamein in Egypt – by Wieslaw Grzegorek; Conservation and Restoration of Polychrome at the Polish-Egyptian Conservation Mission in Marina el-Alamein – by Marlena Koczorowska; The Conservation and Restoration of Works of Architecture and Sculpture by the Polish-Egyptian Conservation Mission in Marina el-Alamein – by Wojciech Osiak