book cover

H 290 x W 205 mm

198 pages

Illustrated throughout in colour and black & white (43 colour plates)

Published Jun 2018

Archaeopress Archaeology


Paperback: 9781784919030

Digital: 9781784919047

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Pottery; Red Sea Trade; Middle Kingdom; ceramic technology; Egyptian and Non-Egyptian clays and vessels; Punt

Archaeopress Egyptology 20

Egyptian and Imported Pottery from the Red Sea port of Mersa Gawsis, Egypt

By Sally Wallace-Jones

Contributions by Andrea Manzo, Mary Ownby, Karin Kopetzky

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The unique site of Mersa Gawasis was a base for seaborne trade along the Red Sea coast during the Middle Kingdom. This volume presents the site’s wide variety of ceramic material, offering also an interpretation of what pottery reveals about activities at the site.



Foreword and acknowledgements ;
Chronology of the Middle Kingdom ;
Chapter One Introduction: Mersa Gawasis, the background ;
Chapter Two Overall chronology of the site ;
Chapter Three The functioning of the site ;
Chapter Four Pottery technology ;
Chapter Five Pottery types, fabrics, and wares ;
Corpus of vessel types at Mersa Gawasis ;
Plates ;
Appendix One: suggested fabric analogies for Middle Bronze Age imported vessels – by Mary F. Ownby, University of Arizona ;
Appendix Two: Middle Bronze Age Syro-Palestinian pottery – by Dr Karin Kopetzky, University of Vienna with Dr Sally Wallace-Jones, Lucy Cavendish College Cambridge ;
Appendix Three: Nubian and southern Red Sea ceramics – by Andrea Manzo ;
Appendix Four: Catalogue of excavated sherd material ;
Bibliography ;

About the Author

Sally Wallace-Jones was born in Norwich, and her interest in archaeology was sparked in childhood by parents who had worked in Egypt and by the Egyptian collection at Norwich Castle Museum where she assisted with the redisplay of the collection. She studied Archaeology and Classics at Manchester University and completed her PhD in the ceramics of Predynastic Egypt. Sally has excavated in many places including Hadrian’s Wall and the Frankish port of Quentovic. She studied with Janine Bourriau and worked for several seasons on the pottery from the Egypt Exploration Society’s Survey of Memphis. She has also worked on the Predynastic pottery at Diospolis Parva for Kathryn Bard’s Boston University excavations, before being asked to take on the ceramic analysis at Mersa Gawasis. She worked as a teacher until 2015 when she began to study for ordination in the Anglican Church, being awarded a BTh degree from Cambridge in 2017. Sally is now part of the clergy team at Hingham in Norfolk. In her spare time, she enjoys continued study of Ancient Egyptian culture as well as travelling, collecting pottery from her travels and playing in a woodwind chamber group. She also speaks on Egyptology to local organisations.