H 290 x W 205 mm
642 pages
Highly illustrated throughout in black and white with 10 colour plates
Published Mar 2017
Paperback: 9781784915704
Digital: 9781784915711
Lamps; Holy Land; Late Roman; Late Antique; Byzantine; Byzantium; Islam; Catalogue
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This volume illustrates lamps from the Byzantine period excavated in the Holy Land and demonstrates the extent of their development since the first enclosing/capturing of light (fire) within a portable man-made vessel.
Introduction; I. The Southern region: Judean Shephelah; II: The Yavne region: (I. LR2a, LR5a included above) and II. LR 11, II. LR11a; III. Jerusalem workshops, types III. LR12-III.B15 (Map 4); IV. Negev, Southern region, wheel-made oil lamps; V. The Samaria Region (V. LR 18 - V. B27); VI. The Phoenician coast including the Northern part of the country (VI. I B31- VI.III B 45); VII. The Bet She’an boundary, eastern part of the Decapolis (VII. LR45–VII. B54); VIII: Imported Oil Lamps; Bibliography; Concordance Table of Sites; Catalogue; Plates