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H 250 x W 205 mm

446 pages

Illustrated throughout in colour and black & white

Published Jul 2015



Paperback: 9781784911454

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Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 45

Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies Volume 45 2015

Edited by Orhan Elmaz


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Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 2014.



Editors' Foreword In memoriam Nigel Groom (1924-2014) In memoriam Professor Tony Wilkinson (1948-2014) Alessio Agostini - The excavation of the temple of KAPPAAthtar dhu-QabRHO in Baraqish. Stratigraphic data and historical reconstruction Eleonora Bavutti, Federico Borgi, Elena Maini & Jonathan Mark Kenoyer - Shell fish-hook production at Ras al-Hadd HD-5, Sultanate of Oman (fourth millennium BC): preliminary archaeological and experimental studies (poster) Stephanie Bonilauri, Tara Beuzen-Waller, Jessica Giraud, Marion Lemee, Guillaume Gernez & Eric Fouache - Occupation during the Lower and Middle/Late Palaeolithic period in the Sufrat Valley (Adam region,Sultanate of Oman) John P. Cooper, Dionisius A. Agius, Tom Collie & Faisal al-Naimi - Boat and ship engravings at al-Zubarah, Qatar: the daw exposed? William M. Deadman, Derek Kennet & Khamis al-Aufi - Hafit tombs and the development of Early Bronze Age social hierarchy in al-Batinah, Oman (poster) Michele Degli Esposti & Anne Benoist - More on Masafi ancestors: the Late Bronze Age site of Masafi-5 Liam Delaney, Richard T.H. Cuttler, Faisal al-Naimi, Othmane Bouhali, Ali Sheharyar, Yasser al-Hamidi & Emma Tetlow - Re-presenting Qatari history: 3D digitizing of human remains of the Neolithic Age from Wadi Debayan (poster) Stephanie Dopper - The reuse of tombs in the necropolis of Bat, Sultanate of Oman Bleda S During & Eric Olijdam - Revisiting the uETAar hinterlands: the Wadi al-Jizi Archaeological Project Guillaume Gernez & Jessica Giraud - Protohistoric graveyards in Adam (Oman). Preliminary report on the 2013 and 2014 seasons of the French Archaeological Mission to Adam Martin S. Goffriller, Ma Hongjiao, Soumyen Bandyopadhyay & Julian Henderson - Chinese porcelains and the decorations of Omani mihrabs Maria del Carmen Hidalgo-Chacon Diez - The distribution of the Dadanitic inscriptions according to their content and palaeographical features Ahmed Hilal, Derek Kennet & Liz Humble - Towards a heritage management strategy for Ras al-Khaimah (UAE) Aurea Izquierdo Zamora, Richard T.H. Cuttler & Faisal A. al-Naimi - Prehistoric and pre-Islamic burial archaeology in Qatar: new results and perspectives Sterenn Le Maguer - The incense trade during the Islamic period Stephen McPhillips, Sandra Rosendahl & Victoria Morgan - Abbasid rural settlement in northern Qatar: seasonal tribal exploitation of an arid environment? Vitaly Naumkin & Leonid Kogan - Dual principles and binary oppositions in Soqotri social and oral traditions Eric Olijdam - Archival practices in Early Dilmun Bahrain as indicated by glyptic evidence from domestic and institutional contexts (poster) Robyn Pelling, Richard T.H. Cuttler, Faisal A. al-Naimi, Antonio O. Reis & Liam Delaney - A re-examination of the petroglyphs of Qatar Timothy Power, Nasser al-Jahwari, Peter Sheehan & Kristian Strutt - First preliminary report on the Buraimi Oasis Landscape Archaeology Project Anjana Reddy - Sourcing Indian ceramics in Arabia: actual imports and local imitations Claire Reeler & Nabiel Al Shaikh - A discussion of Neolithic settlement patterns in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain during the Holocene Pluvial Period Marielle Risse - Generosity, gift giving, and gift avoiding in southern Oman Jerome Rohmer & Guillaume Charloux - From LiETAyan to the Nabataeans: dating the end of the Iron Age in north-west Arabia Abdul Rahman al-Salimi & Eric Staples - Reflections of a Muslim-Portuguese maritime world in a sixteenth century Portuguese source Julie E. Scott-Jackson, Jeffrey I. Rose, William Scott-Jackson & Faisal al-Naimi - Found: the Palaeolithic of Qatar (poster) Peter Sheehan, Timothy Power, Omar Al Kaabi, Mohamed Khalifa, Mohamed al-Dhaheri, Bakheeta al-Mansoori, Leqa al-Zaabi, Myriam al-Dhaheri & Rifaa al-Mansoori - Rediscovering a 'lost' village of al-KAPPAAyn: archaeology and communal memory in the oasis (poster) Peter Spencer, Faisal al-Naimi, Richard T.H. Cuttler & Talfan Davies - Between the desert and the sea: the prehistoric
