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Keyword: megalith

Calaforno 1: L’Ipogeo e il territorio

ed. Pietro Militello

The Hypogeum of Calaforno is one of the most intriguing structures of prehistoric Sicily, an underground sequence of 35 chambers preceded by a vestibule and a megalithic entrance, built in the Late Copper Age. The book presents the results of the investigations inside the hypogeum between 2013-2017. READ MORE

Paperback: £60.00 | eBook: £16.00

Deux campagnes de prospections au Yémen: 1992 – 1993

ed. Michel Mouton

Surveys by the French Archaeological Mission in Jawf-Ḥaḍramawt (1992–1993) documented prehistoric and protohistoric sites along the palaeo-river. Despite informal data, findings offer insights into Yemen's archaeological map, including prehistoric, Bronze Age, and South Arabian sites, and inscriptions amid changes to the modern landscape. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | eBook: £16.00

La nécropole aux amants petrifies. Ruines mégalithiques de Wanar (Région de Kaffrine, Sénégal)

ed. Luc Laporte et al.

This collective work reports on the studies and archaeological work carried out at the megalithic ruined necropolis of Wanar, Senegal, between 2008 and 2017 (classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2006). The study is an important milestone in the advancement of our knowledge of protohistoric societies and megalith builders in West Africa. READ MORE

Paperback: £180.00 | Open Access

Bâtisseurs de mégalithes

Florian Cousseau

This book aims to develop and test a new methodology for Prehistory to enhance architectural analysis. Test results highlight the architectural biography of Neolithic tumuli in western France and the technology used in their construction, and demonstrate that architectural modifications occurred throughout the Neolithic period. READ MORE

Paperback: £42.00 | Open Access

Arqueología computacional del territorio. Métodos y técnicas para estudiar decisiones humanas en paisajes pretéritos

Miguel Carrero-Pazos

This book aims to describe some of the current analytical approaches to model past cultural landscapes, their evolution, and relationship with the human societies that inhabited them. To this end, the use of Geographic Information Systems and spatial statistics is proposed, using territorial and landscape archaeology as a theoretical framework. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | Open Access

The Bell Beaker Culture in All Its Forms

ed. Claudine Abegg et al.

Proceedings of the 22nd meeting of the ‘Archéologie et Gobelets’ Association which took place in Geneva, Switzerland in January 2021. The book is structured in three parts: Archaeological Material, Funerary Archaeology and Anthropology, and Reconstructing Bell Beaker Society. READ MORE

Paperback: £52.00 | Open Access

Megaliths of the World

ed. Luc Laporte et al.

Bringing together the latest research on megalithic monuments throughout the world, 150 researchers offer 72 articles, providing a region-by region account in their specialist areas, and a summary of the current state of knowledge. Highlighting salient themes, the book is vital to anyone interested in the phenomenon of megalithic monumentality. READ MORE

Paperback: £170.00 | Open Access

Solarizing the Moon: Essays in honour of Lionel Sims

ed. Fabio Silva et al.

Lionel Sims has produced an influential body of work that has challenged existing narratives about British prehistoric monuments and provided innovative ways to approach and think about skyscapes. This book, in his honour, is divided into three parts: Anthropology and Human Origins, Prehistory and Megalithic Monuments, and Theory. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | eBook: £16.00

Les mégalithes du département du Morbihan

Philippe Gouézin

Based on a corpus of architectural plans comprising 1413 megalithic monuments from the Department of Morbihan, including more than 250 unpublished monuments, this book aims at a better understanding of megalithism, or more precisely megalithisms, and presents a new approach to the relationship between standing stones (menhirs) and tombs (dolmens). READ MORE

Paperback: £88.00 | eBook: £16.00

Architectures néolithiques de l’île d’Yeu (Vendée)

ed. Audrey Blanchard et al.

This volume gathers documentation, unpublished material and the principal results of studies, prospections, excavations and surveys carried out on domestic settlements, funeral monuments, quarries and symbolic sites on the Isle of Yeu Situated off the Atlantic coast of the Vendée (France). READ MORE

Paperback: £52.00 | eBook: £16.00

Orientation of Prehistoric Monuments in Britain: A Reassessment

Alistair Marshall

Reassesses major axial alignment at many megalithic ritual and funerary monuments (Neolithic to Bronze Age) in Britain and Ireland, not in terms of abstract astronomical concerns, but as an expression of repeated seasonal propitiation involving community, agrarian economy and ancestry in an attempt to mitigate variable environmental conditions. READ MORE

Paperback: £85.00 | eBook: £16.00

Megaliths and Geology: Megálitos e Geologia

ed. Rui Boaventura et al.

This book presents contributions from MegaTalks 2, (Portugal, 2015), part of the MegaGeo project which aimed to analyse the raw material economy in the construction of megalithic tombs in multiple territories, showing the representation of several prehistoric communities that raised them and their relationship with the surrounding areas. READ MORE

Paperback: £38.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

Pre and Protohistoric Stone Architectures: Comparisons of the Social and Technical Contexts Associated to Their Building

ed. Florian Cousseau et al.

Proceedings, with full text in English and French, from session XXXII-3 of the XVIII UISPP World Congress, Paris, 2018: Pre and protohistoric stone architectures: comparisons of the social and technical contexts associated to their building. The volume aims to break the usual limits on the fields of study and to deconstruct some preconceived ideas. READ MORE

Paperback: £38.00 | Open Access

Anthropomorphic Images in Rock Art Paintings and Rock Carvings

ed. Terence Meaden et al.

In rock art, humanlike images appear widely throughout the ages. The artworks discussed in this book range from paintings, engravings or scratchings on cave walls and rock shelters, images pecked into rocky surfaces or upon standing stones, and major sacred sites, in which exists the possibility of recovering the meanings intended by the artists. READ MORE

Paperback: £55.00 | eBook: £16.00

The Megaliths of Vera Island in the Southern Urals

Stanislav Grigoriev et al.

The largest and brightest megalithic complex in Russia’s Ural Mountains is located on Vera Island, represented by three chambered megaliths and sanctuaries of the Eneolithic period (mid-4th - 3rd millennium BC). The oldest samples of stone sculpture in the Urals have been revealed within this complex. READ MORE

Paperback: £50.00 | eBook: £16.00

Indonesian Megaliths: A Forgotten Cultural Heritage

Tara Steimer-Herbet

An exploration of Indonesian megaliths based on scientific documents and field visits, this work highlights misunderstood—and sometimes threatened by destruction—aspects of Indonesian cultural heritage and offers a unique perspective on megalithic monuments abandoned for several centuries in the archipelago. READ MORE

Paperback: £30.00 | Open Access

Marcadores gráficos y territorios megalíticos en la Cuenca interior del Tajo: Toledo, Madrid y Guadalajara

Mª Ángeles Lancharro Gutiérrez

The aim of this work is to analyze Late Prehistoric graphical markers, comprising paintings, engravings, Megalithic elements, and other portable objects. The Tajo inner basin (Spain), was chosen for this study due to the lack of scholarship on the subject and the lack of geographical information available for the archaeological sites. READ MORE

Paperback: £80.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

Time and Stone: The Emergence and Development of Megaliths and Megalithic Societies in Europe

Bettina Schulz Paulsson

This analysis is concerned with the dating of megaliths in Europe and is based on 2410 available radiocarbon results and the application of a Bayesian statistical framework. It is, so far, the largest existing attempt to establish a supra-regional synthesis on the emergence and development of megaliths in Europe. READ MORE

Paperback: £48.00 | eBook: £16.00

Siruthavoor: An Iron Age-Early Historical burial Site, Tamil Nadu, South India

Smriti Haricharan

This study aims at using and understanding man-land relationships in order to better comprehend the megalithic burials of Tamil Nadu. READ MORE

Paperback: £22.00 | eBook: £16.00

Mégalithismes vivants et passés: approches croisées

ed. Christian Jeunesse et al.

This volume seeks, through both case studies and more synthetic works, to discuss how the patterns drawn from the observation of 'living' megalithic societies have been used to try and shed light on the functioning of European Neolithic societies. READ MORE

Paperback: £50.00 | eBook: £16.00
