Alkiviadis Ginalis
A comprehensive study of Aegean harbours and maritime connectivity, focusing on both major and local infrastructures. It provides a framework for interpreting coastal facilities and examines the Byzantine East's port networks. Thessaly serves as a case study, with diverse maritime landscapes and activities from Late Antiquity to the Middle Ages. READ MORE
Paperback: £55.00 | eBook: £16.00
ed. Jane Francis et al.
The theme of this volume, presented in honour of G.W.M. Harrison, whose academic contributions have enriched our perspective of Roman Crete, is change and transition, a topic that challenges some of the earlier approaches to Hellenistic and Roman Crete, and which presents a different perspective on historical events and archaeological evidence. READ MORE
Paperback: £45.00 | eBook: £16.00
Katerina Velentza
With a focus on the underwater context of sculptures retrieved from beneath the sea, this volume examines where, when, why and how sculptures were transported on the Mediterranean Sea during Classical Antiquity through the lenses of both maritime and classical archaeology. READ MORE
Paperback: £35.00 | eBook: £16.00
Laura Soro
A study of trade flows on the southern coast of Sardinia in Late Antiquity through underwater finds, amphorae analysis and hypothetical docking points. Recent underwater surveys have highlighted multiple examples of possible cargoes from wrecks, especially of heterogeneous types, as in Cagliari, Nora (Pula) and in the sea around Sulcis. READ MORE
Paperback: £49.00 | Open Access
Irena Radić Rossi et al.
Unlike official history, which takes long and impersonal strides through the past, this book describes individual human destinies that convey the story of the late Renaissance period throughout Europe and the Mediterranean as uncovered at the site of the shipwreck at Gnalić, Croatia. READ MORE
Paperback: £30.00 | eBook: £16.00
ed. Hakan Öniz
This book presents the archaeological discoveries from Dana Island, off the coast of Rough Cilicia in southern Turkey, where underwater investigations and surface survey undertaken in advance of excavation revealed nearly 300 ancient rock-cut slipways, the largest number of such naval installations discovered to date. READ MORE
Paperback: £40.00 | eBook: £16.00
Luka Boršić et al.
This book explores the origins of two types of ancient ship connected with the protohistoric eastern Adriatic area: the ‘Liburnian’ and the southern Adriatic ‘lemb’. An extensive overview of written, iconographic and archaeological evidence questions the existing scholarly assumption that the liburna and lemb were closely related. READ MORE
Paperback: £34.00 | eBook: £16.00
ed. Jennifer A. Rodrigues et al.
Celebrating the theme ‘Shared heritage’, this volume presents the peer-reviewed proceedings from IKUWA6 (the 6th International Congress for Underwater Archaeology, Fremantle 2016). Papers offer a stimulating diversity of themes and niche topics of value to maritime archaeology practitioners, researchers, students, museum professionals and more. READ MORE
Paperback: £95.00 | Open Access
ed. Carlos Cabrera Tejedor
This monograph focuses on the history and development of the topography, layout, and facilities of the ancient port of Seville, located in the lower Guadalquivir River Basin, between the 1st century BC and the 13th century AD. Until now, despite its commercial importance, little has been known about the port’s exact position, layout and facilities. READ MORE
Paperback: £45.00 | eBook: £16.00
Simona Rodan
This study questions the origins and traditions of the cultic rites practised during Roman times in ‘Peleshet’ (Philistia), located along the southern shores of the Land of Israel. READ MORE
Paperback: £35.00 | eBook: £16.00
ed. Enrique García Vargas et al.
Based on the proceedings of a workshop held at Seville University in 2015, this book looks at several series of amphorae created in the Late Republican Roman period, sharing a generally ovoid shape in their bodies – a group of material which, until now, has rarely been studied. READ MORE
Paperback: £65.00 | eBook: £16.00
ed. Jessica Berry et al.
This book is the culmination of significant multi-disciplinary work carried out by a variety of specialists, from conservators to woodworking and boatbuilding experts, exploring the history of the Poole Iron Age logboat (today imposingly displayed in the entrance to Poole Museum in Dorset) and also its functionality – or lack of – as a vessel. READ MORE
Paperback: £30.00 | eBook: £16.00
Chiara Maria Mauro
A study of the archaeology and history of ancient harbours, with particular focus on the Greek world during the Archaic and Classical eras. It questions what locations were the most propitious for the installation of harbours; what kinds of harbour-works were built and for what purpose; and what harbour forms were documented. READ MORE
Paperback: £30.00 | eBook: £16.00
ed. Athena Trakadas et al.
This book outlines the functional procedures for conducting scientific coastal marine surveys in the Moroccan context, discussing the requirements, methods, and practices of the four scientific fields that rely these types of shared data: hydrography, marine geology, marine biology and toxicology, and maritime archaeology and heritage management. READ MORE
Paperback: £25.00 | eBook: £16.00
ed. Akshay Sarathi
This volume represents a multi-disciplinary effort to examine East Africa and the Western Indian Ocean. Multiple lines of evidence drawn from linguistics, archaeology, history, art history, and ethnography come together in novel ways to highlight different aspects of the region’s past and offer innovative avenues for future research. READ MORE
Paperback: £48.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00
Jere M. Wickens et al.
This survey by the Southern Euboea Exploration Project provides a wealth of intriguing information about fluctuations in long-term use and habitation in the Bouros-Kastri peninsula at the south-eastern tip of the Greek island of Euboia, and how the peninsula's use was connected to that of the main urban centre at Karystos. READ MORE
Paperback: £32.00 | eBook: £16.00
Peter Holt
The Resurgam is one of the earliest 'working' submarines, designed by Victorian engineer George William Garrett. This book describes how the Resurgam was built, how she may have worked and what happened to her. READ MORE
Paperback: £24.00 | eBook: £16.00
Julian Jansen van Rensburg
This research analyses the Socotri maritime traditions and addressing the question as to how social, environmental and technological influences have shaped the maritime traditions of the fishermen of Socotra (205 nautical miles south of Yemen). READ MORE
Paperback: £33.00 | eBook: £16.00