Keyword: Roundhouse

Three Forts on the Tay: Excavations at Moncreiffe, Moredun and Abernethy, Perth and Kinross 2014–17

David Strachan et al.

Despite a resurgence in Scottish fort studies, few sites have been investigated, especially at the scale reported in this volume. Perth and Kinross Heritage Trust (with AOC Archaeology Group) excavated three hilltop forts on the Tay estuary to explore their enclosing works and internal buildings, uncovering an impressive assemblage of small finds. READ MORE

Hardback: £35.00 | Open Access

Down the Bright Stream: The Prehistory of Woodcock Corner and the Tregurra Valley, Cornwall

Sean R. Taylor

This volume reports on a series of fieldwork projects carried out in the Tregurra Valley, to the east of Truro, Cornwall between 2009-2015. The fieldwork led to the identification of a large number of pits and hearths across the site, the majority of which that have proved dateable spanning the Early Neolithic to the end of the Early Bronze Age. READ MORE

Paperback: £58.00 | eBook: £16.00

Excavation of Later Prehistoric and Roman Sites along the Route of the Newquay Strategic Road Corridor, Cornwall

Andy M. Jones

This volume presents the results of archaeological investigations on the Newquay Strategic Road and goes on to discuss the complexity of the archaeology, review the evidence for ‘special’ deposits and explore evidence for the deliberate closure of buildings especially in later prehistoric and Roman period Cornwall. READ MORE

Paperback: £30.00 | eBook: £16.00
