Maryam Dezhamkhooy et al.
This book examines the highly problematic politics of the past surrounding the archaeology of ancient empires in Iran. Discussing their personal and professional experiences, the authors exemplify the real, ethical dilemmas that archaeologists confront in the Middle East, calling for reflectivity and awareness among the archaeologists of the region READ MORE
Paperback: £32.00 | eBook: £16.00
Xavier Duffy
A holistic study of how the Greek peoples (of primarily the classical period) collectively commemorated the Persian Wars. This work analyses commemorative objects, places, and groups for a complete representation of the commemorative tradition. READ MORE
Paperback: £26.00 | eBook: £16.00
Andrea Squitieri
This book focuses on the characteristics and the development of the stone vessel industry in the Near East during the Iron Age and the Persian period (c. 1200 – 330 BCE). READ MORE
Paperback: £55.00 | eBook: £16.00