ed. Mark Maltby et al.
Papers honor Mark's research on urbanization and trade in Britain and Europe, and his contributions to museums and museology. In two sections, the first provides up-to-date reviews of Hamwic (Saxon Southampton) and the second offers post-excavation studies in Britain and Europe and also includes developments in the Museum and Heritage sectors. READ MORE
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ed. Guido Petruccioli
John Marshall (1862-1928) was an antiquities expert hired by the Metropolitan Museum of New York. An attentive observer of the antiquities trade, Marshall's archive, photographs and annotations on more than 1000 objects, shines light on the secretive world of art dealing and how objects arrived at the largest museums of Europe and North America. READ MORE
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ed. Howard Williams et al.
Select proceedings of the 5th University of Chester Archaeology Student Conference (31 January 2020) reflect on the shifting and conflicting meanings, values and significances for treasure in archaeology’s public engagements, interactions and manifestations. READ MORE
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ed. Kate Kelley et al.
Proceedings from a workshop held at Wolfson College, Oxford in 2017. In light of rapid technological developments in digital imaging, this volume aims to inform specialist and general readers about some of the ways in which imaging technologies are transforming the study and presentation of archaeological and cultural artefacts. READ MORE
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ed. Mladen Tomorad et al.
This volume presents proceedings from the Seventh European Conference of Egyptologists, Zagreb, Croatia 2015. READ MORE
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ed. Michael Heaney
This volume provides the first detailed biography Percy Manning (1870-1917), an Oxford antiquary who amassed enormous collections about the history of Oxford and Oxfordshire. READ MORE
Paperback: £30.00 | eBook: £16.00